"Roon Remote & ARC Search Error" (ref#D52D2P)

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Roon Remote & ARC Search Error

I have already written this issue in the Early Access category. However, the same issue is already happening in the official version, and no one is giving feedback, so I would like to ask for the developers’ support in the Support category once again.

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Famous artists don’t get hits in multibyte searches

Hi @Haruhata,

Thank you for your patience, and for sharing your feedback! I wanted to follow up and let you know our team will be looking into this further. I don’t have any specific updates or timelines to share, but it’s in our queue and will receive attention.

I hope to have more information to share with you soon. :+1:

Hi @Haruhata,

We’ve re-opened the original thread and escalated to developers. Please keep an eye out here for an update moving forward: Famous artists don't get hits in multibyte searches [Investigating]