Roon Remote can't connect to Roon Core on Pixel 7 Pro

Roon Core Machine

Networking Gear & Setup Details

The server is connected to a network switch, from there an AP is hardwired. The mobile is connected via Wifi.

Description of Issue

Since around 2 months, I have the problem, that on my new phone Pixel 7 Pro Roon (not ARC) can’t connect to the Roon Core. All other devices (around 20 other smartphones) work just fine. All are in the same wireless network and get the same ip-adress-range. When the Roon Core is just restarted it connects just fine. But after 5 minutes no connection is possible anymore (Android: 2.0 1167 / Core: 2.0 1179)

Has anybody any ideas, why I can’t connect anymore?


From past experience with other Pixel models (currently Pixel 6 Pro): Roon device discovery does not always play well with IGMP snooping in network switches, which is a reason to stick to the simplest unmanaged switches, or, if using managed switches, making sure that IGMP snooping is off.

@Fernando_Pereira vielen Dank für den Tipp. Leider ist IGMP bereits aus gewesen.

There are typically two IGMP settings, IGMP snooping and IGMP proxying. IGMP snooping is the one that should be off throughout your local network.

@Fernando_Pereira thanks for your help. These settings had already been set, without success.

no reply from Roon at all?

Just dived a bit more into the problem: the issue seems to not belong only to the Pixel 7 Pro, but to all Pixel phones. According to the logs from the Server the broadcast packets are recieved by the raat server, but no connection will be build afterwards?

I’ve had Pixel phones as Roon remotes since getting Roon over 5 years ago. Currently a Pixel 6 Pro. Roon Core always running on Linux (Ubuntu). I had a problem similar to yours early on caused by a switch with IGMP snooping on in my LAN, but never since I fixed that.

I don’t think Mulitcast is the problem here:

01/08 07:16:20 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=08.01.2023 06:16:19 nextauthrefresh=08.01.2023 06:21:21 nextmachineallocate=08.01.2023 08:16:19
01/08 07:16:22 Debug: [easyhttp] [7335] POST to returned after 955 ms, status code: 200
01/08 07:16:22 Trace: [inetdiscovery] registered 1 devices, 5 services
01/08 07:16:24 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {"message":"Extension Repository loaded","is_error":false}
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [raat] RAATServer discovered: RaatServer Pixel 7 Pro @
01/08 07:16:28 Info: [raatserver] GOT SERVER 34a08b60-d30a-bff1-8438-668d6fc9b246::34a08b60d30abff18438668d6fc9b246 @ Pixel 7 Pro PROTOVER=1 RAATVER=1.1.39 
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer Pixel 7 Pro @] connecting (attempt 1)
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer Pixel 7 Pro @] connected
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] SENT {"request":"enumerate_devices","subscription_id":"0"}
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"status": "Success", "devices": [{"type": "android", "device_id": "default", "name": "Default Output", "is_system_output": true, "auto_enable": true, "auto_name": "Pixel 7 Pro", "config": {"unique_id": "b5f60186-1049-0cd7-2826-1c66e5ea10ac", "volume": {"type": "android", "device": "default"}, "output": {"type": "android", "device": "default", "name": "Default Output"}, "external_config": {"is_private": true}}}]}
01/08 07:16:28 Info: [raatserver] GOT DEVICE 34a08b60d30abff18438668d6fc9b246::default Type=android Name=Default Output 
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] SENT {"request":"enable_device","device_id":"default","subscription_id":"11"}
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"status": "DeviceChanged", "device": {"type": "android", "device_id": "default", "name": "Default Output", "is_system_output": true, "auto_enable": true, "auto_name": "Pixel 7 Pro", "config": {"unique_id": "b5f60186-1049-0cd7-2826-1c66e5ea10ac", "volume": {"type": "android", "device": "default"}, "output": {"type": "android", "device": "default", "name": "Default Output"}, "external_config": {"is_private": true}}, "discovery_data": {"protocol_version": "3", "tcp_port": 34783, "model": "N/A", "version": "N/A", "raat_version": "1.1.39", "unique_id": "b5f60186-1049-0cd7-2826-1c66e5ea10ac", "vendor": "N/A"}}}
01/08 07:16:28 Info: [raatserver] [Default Output] connecting (attempt 1)
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Initializing RAAT session
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:base.lua as module base [1088 chars]
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:dkjson.lua as module dkjson [22416 chars]
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:protocol.lua as module protocol [2045 chars]
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:roon_tcp.lua [43548 chars]
01/08 07:16:28 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"status": "Success"}
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] RAAT Session initialized in 644ms
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [2]{"request":"info"}
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [3]{"request":"set_client_type","client_type":"Roon"}
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] GOT [2] {"status":"Success","flags":{"has_write_chmap":true},"volume":{"is_supported":true,"info":{}},"info":{"unique_id":"b5f60186-1049-0cd7-2826-1c66e5ea10ac","model":"N/A","version":"N/A","raat_version":"1.1.39","vendor":"N/A","protocol_version":"3"},"transport":{"is_supported":true,"info":{"config":{}},"is_update_artwork_supported":true,"is_update_status_supported":true},"source_selection":{"is_supported":false,"info":[]},"platform":{"uname":{"release":"5.10.107-android13-4-00001-gdc30d33ab795-ab9268104","sysname":"Linux","nodename":"localhost","machine":"aarch64","version":"#1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 4 23:22:55 UTC 2022"},"os":"android"},"output":{"info":{"refresh_supported_formats_before_playback":true},"supported_formats":"48000/16/1|2,48000/24/1|2"}}
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [raatserver] [Default Output] connected
01/08 07:16:29 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for raat device b5f60186-1049-0cd7-2826-1c66e5ea10ac
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [4]{"request":"subscribe_transport"}
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [5]{"request":"subscribe_controls","controller_id":"ab8d7ef4-d271-4bb3-8f40-849d2df5b578"}
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [dspengine] created new dsp config {"version":3,"items":[{"type":"bs2b","enabled":false},{"type":"parametric_equalizer","enabled":false},{"type":"audeze_presets","enabled":false}]}
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [transport/audeze] picking preset lowlatency 
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [transport/audeze] picked null preset!
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [zone Pixel 7 Pro] Loading from C:\Users\Master\AppData\Local\RoonServer\Database\Core\368dc150d10642ea833c5c26af7d440d\transport\zone_16018601f6b54910d70c28261c66e5ea10ac.db
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] GOT [3] {"status":"Success"}
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [zone Pixel 7 Pro] Suspend
01/08 07:16:29 Info: [zone Pixel 7 Pro] Canceling Pending Sleep
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Pixel 7 Pro] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Default Output Initial State: Idle
01/08 07:16:29 Info: [transport] created zone Pixel 7 Pro
01/08 07:16:29 Info: [transport]     with endpoint Default Output (23:1:b5f60186-1049-0cd7-2826-1c66e5ea10ac) [IsAvailable=True]
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Pixel 7 Pro] [Inactive] [STOPPED @ 0:00] 
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] GOT [5] {"status":"Success","action":"Changed","controls":{"volume":{"min":0.0,"mute":false,"info":{},"value":8,"type":"number","step":1.0,"max":25.0}}}
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [zone Pixel 7 Pro] Loaded Queue=302 Tracks Swim=Inactive AutoSwim=True Loop=Disabled Shuffle=False
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Pixel 7 Pro] [Inactive] [PAUSED @ 0:12/3:25] Here Comes The Sun - Huebnotix
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: GetImageData[Local](id=7256 spec=500 key=ctkaaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=8), overalltime=8ms
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: GetImageData[Local](id=7256 spec=500 key=ctkaaaaa) => gotfromcache=False missinglocalimage=False didscale=True scaletime=8), overalltime=8ms
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] SENT [8]{"request":"update_artwork","mimetype":"image/jpeg"}
01/08 07:16:29 Trace: [Default Output] [raatclient] GOT [8] {"status":"Success"}
01/08 07:16:29 Info: [stats] 6495mb Virtual, 998mb Physical, 575mb Managed, 2262 Handles, 100 Threads
01/08 07:16:32 Trace: [bits] myinfo: {"pushid":"broker/ab8d7ef4-d271-4bb3-8f40-849d2df5b578","roon_auth_token":"3b6bc4b8-b489-43d2-a610-0f64b294e105","os":"Windows 11","platform":"windows","machineversion":200001180,"branch":"earlyaccess","appmodifier":"","appname":"RoonServer"}
01/08 07:16:33 Debug: [easyhttp] [7336] POST to,roon.internet_discovery.,roon.debug.,,roon.dsp.,roon.sood.?roon_auth_token=3b6bc4b8-b489-43d2-a610-0f64b294e105 returned after 744 ms, status code: 200
01/08 07:16:33 Trace: [bits] updated bits, in 746ms
01/08 07:16:33 Trace: [storage/streaming] [Qobuz] sync force=False
01/08 07:16:33 Debug: [easyhttp] [7337] GET to returned after 522 ms, status code: 200
01/08 07:16:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [7338] GET to returned after 186 ms, status code: 200
01/08 07:16:34 Debug: [easyhttp] [7339] GET to returned after 188 ms, status code: 200
01/08 07:16:34 Trace: [storage/streaming] [Qobuz] sync completed in 899ms
01/08 07:16:34 Info: [storage/streaming] [Qobuz] library for userid 1212346 has:
01/08 07:16:34 Info: [storage/streaming] [Qobuz]     1036 favorite tracks
01/08 07:16:34 Info: [storage/streaming] [Qobuz]     57 favorite albums
01/08 07:16:34 Info: [storage/streaming] [Qobuz]     0 purchased tracks
01/08 07:16:34 Info: [storage/streaming] [Qobuz]     0 purchased albums
01/08 07:16:34 Info: [storage/streaming] [Qobuz]     0 playlists
01/08 07:16:34 Info: [storage/streaming] [Qobuz]     1 favorite playlists
01/08 07:16:34 Info: [storage/streaming] [Qobuz] Scan reported Library updated LastScanned=08.01.2023 06:16:33
01/08 07:16:34 Trace: [upnp/discovery] device expired: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-0017886eb5ca
01/08 07:16:36 Debug: [easyhttp] [7340] GET to returned after 371 ms, status code: 200
01/08 07:16:36 Debug: [push2] push connector url received from push manager: ws://
01/08 07:16:36 Trace: [push2] connecting to push2 connector at ws://
01/08 07:16:37 Trace: [push2] exception thrown. restarting connection (Der 'Upgrade'-Headerwert '' ist ungültig.)
01/08 07:16:37 Trace: [push2] retrying connection in 212ms
01/08 07:16:37 Debug: [easyhttp] [7341] GET to returned after 194 ms, status code: 200
01/08 07:16:37 Debug: [push2] push connector url received from push manager: ws://
01/08 07:16:37 Trace: [push2] connecting to push2 connector at ws://
01/08 07:16:37 Trace: [push2] exception thrown. restarting connection (Der 'Upgrade'-Headerwert '' ist ungültig.)
01/08 07:16:37 Trace: [push2] retrying connection in 32998ms
01/08 07:16:44 Debug: [easyhttp] [7342] POST to returned after 1174 ms, status code: 200
01/08 07:16:44 Trace: [devicemap] device map updated
01/08 07:16:44 Info: [stats] 6500mb Virtual, 1035mb Physical, 570mb Managed, 2116 Handles, 101 Threads
01/08 07:16:59 Info: [stats] 6484mb Virtual, 1035mb Physical, 572mb Managed, 2111 Handles, 97 Threads
01/08 07:17:11 Debug: [easyhttp] [7343] GET to returned after 676 ms, status code: 200
01/08 07:17:11 Debug: [push2] push connector url received from push manager: ws://
01/08 07:17:11 Trace: [push2] connecting to push2 connector at ws://
01/08 07:17:11 Trace: [push2] exception thrown. restarting connection (Der 'Upgrade'-Headerwert '' ist ungültig.)
01/08 07:17:11 Trace: [push2] retrying connection in 16293ms
01/08 07:17:14 Info: [stats] 6488mb Virtual, 1035mb Physical, 571mb Managed, 2116 Handles, 98 Threads

Roon Mobile seems to connect fine, but can’t somehow manage a connection.

Edit: when leaving the moibl app open, it first fails, but after 4-5 minutes it get’s a connection to the core. Once connected it stays connected. After closing the mobile app same things strart over and over…

Hi @Kersten_Kusch,

Thank you for your patience as the tech support team worked through the queue to reach your inquiry. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been experiencing such a consistent connection issue with multiple remotes.

We’ve requested a diagnostic pull from your Core; please leave your Core online for a few minutes at some point in the next few days so this report can securely reach our servers. We should gain more granular insight into what’s causing the disconnection cycle.

In the meantime, a few broader troubleshooting steps you can try to stabilize connectivity:

  1. Double-check any firewall exceptions on your router and Core machine
  2. Toggle UPnP on your router and make sure the firmware is up-to-date
  3. There’s evidence that some requests are failing to reach Roon’s own servers outside of your device discovery protocol. I recommend switching your DNS server to Cloudflare DNS or Google DNS Do you have a VPN enabled by chance?
  4. Lastly, deeply refresh RAATServer. Make sure you create a Backup to retain custom DSP settings.
  • Create a Backup of your current Roon database
  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RAATServer”
  • Rename the “RAATServer” folder to “RAATServer_old”
  • Restart the Roon App to generate a new RAATServer folder

We’ll be standing by for the log request and will respond promptly with next steps.

Hi Connor,
thanks for your reply. On the there are exceptions for all Roon applications. At the network level the hardware firewall is configured with the ports that have been posted to the community.
The router /firewall is running it’s latest firmware, but does not support UpnP, as it’s a business grade device.

All dns requests are answered through the firewall, which forwards them to Google secure dns.

The RAAT-Server has just been refreshed…

Waiting for your reply,
Appreciate your help!

1 Like

Hi @Kersten_Kusch,

Thanks for the response. Our diagnostic request to the Core still hasn’t gone through for either the Core or the Pixel Remote. This may suggest an underpinning network reachability issue, or you may just not have had the chance to keep either device online with Roon running in the last few days.

Would you mind leaving the Core online overnight just in case? Alternatively, feel free to upload logs manually to expedite troubleshooting. You can use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?.

Hi @connor ,
the Room Core was online 24/7. I’m gonna send you the files in a few minutes.

EDIT: Just sent

1 Like

Hi @connor ,
do you have news for me?

@connor what’s the state here? Did the logs provide any help in giving you an idea, why the mobile devices keep on failing?

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