What happens if you press the "Select a different Roon Server" button?
· I see my Roon Server, but I still can't connect.
When you try to connect, what screen do you see?
· I see the Server but the Connect button is grayed out
Please try to restart your Roon Server by closing the Roon app in the taskbar or rebooting your Roon Server machine.
· No, the issue remains the same
Please try to restart your network setup by unplugging, waiting 30 seconds and then replugging in your networking gear.
· No, the issue remains the same
Please select how you've connected your Roon Server to the internet
· Roon Server is connected by *Ethernet*
Have you checked your firewall settings to ensure that Roon is allowed through?
· Roon still won't connect even after checking this aspect
Have you verified that Roon Server is on the same subnet as your Remotes?
· My Remotes and Server are on the same subnet and I still can't connect
Sometimes the issues can be resolved with a reinstall of your Roon Remote app. Let's try to perform a reinstall and see if it helps.
· I've reinstalled the Roon Remote but it did not help
What is the operating system of your Roon Server host machine?
· *Windows*
Select any of the following components that are present in your local network setup
· *Antivirus* *software *installed on RoonServer _or _Roon Remotes
You mentioned antivirus software. Please select the specific Antivirus you have from the list below
· None of the above
Describe the issue
My roon remote on Android phone and second computer (MacBook Pro) have always connected to my Roon server Windows 11 desktop fine. Stopped out of nowhere.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled roon on phone and it is trying to connect to the server it finds. Though it cycles the location between and never connects.
In Mac it finds and tries connecting to the 192.168 IP, never completing connections
Describe your network setup
Besides info I gave in previous step my music files are on a QNAP NAS unit connected to the Windows 11 desktop. And I have an Xfinity modem and eros network extender. All of these exact components have been working fine with my roon setup for years. Nothing has changed
Also worth noting that in Roon on my Windows 11 machine where the server is installed, it sees the MacBook pro as an audio device I could enable. And, before I reinstalled roon on my Android device, my main Roon install also saw that Pixel phone under audio devices.
From my main server on Windows 11 I have no problem playing out to all other audio devise connected to my home WiFi network and enabled in Roon as always.
Also, Roon ARC, still installed on my same Android phone, continues to connect and operate fine to play music from my Roon library on the Windows 11 machine. The Roon ARC listening port is showing Roon Server IP at port 5000
Hi Bernd. I’m not terribly technically minding in these regards. But I can see the following:
Desktop Ethernet IPv4 address:
Desktop WiFi IPv4 address:
And for what it’s worth, I reach my QNAP NAS via browser at:
It would be rather beneficial to reduce your network to a single IP range. Either 10.0.0.x or 192.168.7.x and have a single DHCP server handle address leases.
Unfortunately I don’t know both, your router and the network extender. Maybe someone here could chime in with some more knowledge of the devices in use?
I believe @BeeKay is spot on correct with their above comments - your issue here is very likely your Roon devices hopping between different local subnets. If you’re not needing two subnets, then I’d suggest accessing your router settings and disabling one of the subnets - this should force all your Roon devices to land on the same subnet and should absolutely help you with your connection issues.
Let us know how it goes, and what your results are afterward!
Thanks @benjamin. While I’m in no way technically fluent enough to understand in detail, I believe I actually do need two subnets, one for my QNAP NAS unit, and one for my main computer & router. This is how everything was configured “out of the box” years ago, all with Roon never having this problem in the past.
If disable 10.0.0.x, my NAS will not be reachable. If I disable 192.168.7.x all access to the internet on my main computer will be unavailable.
Is there no way to configure Roon to navigate this? Again, it’s been perfectly fine for years this way.