Roon remote not finding core on QNAP [Resolved]

If you remove it from the App Center the RoonServer app is deleted. (But your database is still there) :slight_smile:
Can you go to my website ( and click on the QNAP Logo in the download section? It will download the installer file for qnap to your downloads folder.

If you see in a top bar icons like these, click on the “4 squares and a plus” icon:

If this icon does not exist and it looks more like the screenshot below, click on the gear icon:

In the opened up window you can manually install an app. Click on browse and select the downloaded qpkg file
Then click on install.

After that process is finished, check if your RoonServer on the QNAP can be seen again.

I can’t start Roon Server. I get this message: Type "Content
Error 22/05/2017 13:00:53 System localhost [RoonServer] Shared folder “RoonServer” could not be found. Please create it in the QTS before launching the package.

OK. Maybe I misunderstood something here: Did you had a working RoonServer running on your QNAP before?

Yes, it was running and then a few days ago I could no longer play Roon.

I just realized, maybe I need to set up the share file as “RoonServer” not “Roon Server”

Do you know, if you stored your RoonDatabase on an internal drive or on a connected USB drive before?

Roon database always on SSD in NAS. Music files on HDD in NAS.

Yes, that’s correct. I am just wondering why it worked before, if there was no “RoonServer” share…

RoonServer now installed on QNAP. Laptop finds QNAP, but it won’t let me install the Core on QNAP, says it is not authorized. I will uninstall Roon from the laptop and try again

Have it working now. I suspect QNAP did an upgrade which disabled the use of “Roon Server” shared folder and I had to remove that folder and replace it with “RoonServer” folder.

The Core is part of your RoonServer installation. It is already installed by RoonServer and it needs to be authorised with your Roon credentials. RoonServer features Core and Output functionality. I am guessing it will start a new set of database.

If you had RoonServer installed before and used it already, do you know what happened to the previous RoonServer shared folder? If you have used RoonServer on the QNAP, there is actually no way to run it without that shared folder.

Glad it is working again. I could imagine that one thing happened prevent RoonServer from running. If you recently updated from QTS 4.2.x to 4.3.x and used one of the first qpkg installers for RoonServer, there was an incompatibility.
It was due to a change of them, switching all 32-bit libraries to 64-bit (finally!) and using a newer kernel.
But this is quite unlikely to happen again in the future, as QNAP is now by default well equipped (software-wise)…

Do you have a backup of your previous database or is it ok for you to start from scratch?

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Didn’t lose anything.

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