Roon Remote on Win 11 Laptop Crashes on Startup

Completely clueless here, it just started occurring tonight. Launch program, and it closes abruptly after starting. Removed and reinstalled program after a reboot did not fix.

I installed Pico Scope 7 software tonight several hours before the crashing started, removed, but not difference.

Silent update in windows?

So I ran the compatibility troubleshooter in windows and this is what I got.

This seems to have started with an automatic windows antivirus definitions update which occurred within the last hour.

Try turning off win 8 compatibility for Roon.

As suggested by Rugby, the steps are here:

It actually wasn’t on except when I ran the trouble shooter, not exactly sure why.

Apparently the compatibility troubleshooter is buggy. As shown above compatibility mode is not selected. It still closes immediately on launch, and this behavior appears to have started immediately after a virus definition update was installed by windows updater last night. I will try disabling it.

I will look at the other thread for other things to try.

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I disabled all of windows security briefly and rebooted, nothing changed, Roon continues to exit as soon as it finishes loading. Securuty settings have been restored.

I completely uninstalled Roon including the local databases and reinstalled it and now it seems to be working.

In your screen shot you are looking at the properties for the Roon(2) icon, which suggests there is another Roon icon with it’s own properties.

Yes, there was and I deleted that one. I completely removed Roon and all shortcuts and did a clean install. Working fine at this point, fingers crossed that the problem does not reoccur. :smiley:

Well the problem has returned. Windows update tonight and now it’s not working. Will uninstall and reinstall and see if anything changes.

So I uninstalled it and then went and hunted for Roon related folders and removed them. Rebooted and reinstalled Roon remote, it is working for the time being.

I wonder what is going on here. I will investigate whether the same behavior is occurring on my other laptop which is stuck with W10 over the weekend.

It gets weirder, it crashed on the laptop again, and I went to use the app on my phone and as soon as I opened it my phone crashed. (Samsung S9)

I rebooted ROCK which is running on a NUC i5 and for the moment at least everything is working.

Hi @Kevin_Kennedy ,

Have you had any additional crashes since your report or has the system been running stable? If it crashes again, can you please check Windows Event Viewer to see if there are any specific error traces and let us know the time + date of the crash so we can check remote Roon logs? Thanks!

Hi Noris,
It has been stable since I reinstalled Roon Remote on my laptop. There were some other measures I took like rebooting Roon Rock which might have been the actual cause of the problem since my phone crashed when I started the remote on it.

If it happens again I will check the event viewer and let you know the time and date.

Note that I also more recently reinstalled the server software due to a stuttering problem that appeared some days ago everything seems stable at the moment.


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