Roon remote will not connnect

Roon Core Machine

Windows 10, Core i7-12700, 64gb ram, lots of hdd space

Networking Gear & Setup Details

tp link AX50 wired/wifi …remote on wifi connection through Google Pixel 6. Not using a VPN, The PC is on a wired connnection directly to the router.

Connected Audio Devices

Cocktail Time N50, Sonos Beam, Node 2i

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

The android roon remote app will not connect to the core. Roon Ark does connect and works fine on the same network. Windows firewalls are turned off. Roon is configured to allow remote access. There used to be a place on the app where I could put in my ipv4 network, but I cannot find that. I did confirm all firewalls off and rebooted phone and computer

A post was merged into an existing topic: I have the same problem

I know there were several other people with similar problems. will my answers appear here?

Roon’s @support will follow this up with you in this topic.

thank you. i appreciate it

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