Roon ROCK not appearing on network and login screen clears info (ref#I5VR36)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble logging in

Where are you having trouble logging in?

· I can't log into the Roon app

Describe the issue

Roon login screen clears my login info wo an error mssg. Main issue my Roon ROCK no longer shows on my network. Nothing changed. I even turned off firewall. I can see info page off 3nd pc fir build etc

Describe your network setup

NUC i7, TP link decco 6E mesh axe5300. No changes.

Is the IP address in your screenshot the same subnet as the computer or remote you are trying to use to control Roon? If so, you “should” be able to get to the ROCK WebUI by entering that IP into a web browser if your firewall allows it.
It will look like this:

Here’s info on the firewall exception if you need it:

Hello. Yes, got this same ROCK WebUI screen below from another pc (DELL) on same network/subnet so it’s on the same network/Subnet as master NUC ROCK. I turned off all the firewalls on the pc and deactivated Avast.
I tried all the options on that Roon Opt Core Kit screen incl power down/up via red.
Network does not list NUC ROCK.

Note: Everything was fine a week ago, then access started getting sporadic. Nothing on network changed.
Tried to logon on the original Remote iPad and this Dell desktop, accepts my logon/pwd, but clears screen as if I didn’t enter anything. No error mssgs.

Thanks for any help. Do I need to wipe out my NUC Roon ROCK server and start again? My database is assocated with my Roon logon so I won’t lose any favorites, lists, etc?

You said you tried all the options on the webui? does that include reset and format? I would not have gone that far yet, if so. If not the one to try is “reinstall” under the OS area, this will install the latest version and might clear up any issues.

Can you post a screen shot of the webui? or at lest post the OS version and Roon version info?

What do the lights on the ethernet port look like? color, activity or not?

Hello @JamesW ,

Thanks for your message. That 135.XXX.YYY.ZZZ IP address looks very peculiar, I would try to see where this is coming from, as the rest of your devices are on a 192.XXX.YYY.ZZZ subnet. Has there been any software updates to the Deco? If you connect the ROCK to the main router and not a satellite, does it then function?

I’m normally on my Dell pc which is only device that has VPN. Nuc, Ipad remote, cell, etc not on vpn. The NUC is on the same network as i can access the Roon Rock IP on any device. No issues since began Roon subscription 2021.
NUC is connected directly to netgear 8port hub which is directly connected to the interent modem since we were trying to resolve this recent access issue.
Prior to this issue, NUC was connecting with different wifi 6E node on another floor w/o issue. We have the Decco 6E mesh with 4 nodes.

Off webUI, tried os [reinstall], sw [restart], power off & reboot. Network connection green lights flickers so is communicating. Just does not show up on my network.

The only thing I havent done off WebUI is [reset] roon database & settings, as afraid I will lose my lists & favs.

Note: After a long while, the CRT for NUC does show blank with “check video cable!” So thinkvnuc wentvto sleep. Had to power down to get back nuc initial info scrn but WebUI on 2nd PC is good evennif nuc scrn blank.

Hi @JamesW,

This is very likely a network-related issue - we’re seeing multiple IPs tied to your Roon devices, I’d simplify things even more and get a direct ethernet connection from your ROCK to your primary router.

Is this still the case? If you’re able to access the webUI from multiple devices, it seems that your ROCK should be showing up on your network. Have you tried different cables and ports?

Benjamin, same problem with direct connect and of course NUC ip address my acct Corrupted? On ipad Remote, can see WebUI, but log into my acct screen, scrn accepts but blanks out my entered logon info (like nothing happened).

Should i just wipe out my NUC & reinstall Roon ROCK o/s from scratch on my NUC PC server?

Personally think the NUC is fine. No changes to my network so why the NUC network device doesnt show under devices but i can see the webUI using ip addtess?

Can you post what the IP is of one of the machines on your network? like your Dell PC? Or look in the router admin pages for what IPs it has assigned to different devices.
It sure seems like you have multiple subnets going on as the IP from your screenshot shows your Rock is and your gateway is Which means they are on different subnets. The first three sets of numbers (xxx.yyy.zzz.___) need to be the same for the devices to be in the same subnet.

Also, the TP-Link FAQ for your mesh router says it usually has as default subnet.
How to find your TP-Link Router’s IP address
Did you change this?

All 3 devices can access the Roon Rock NUC’s WebUI using ip addr

  1. DELL pc on VPN
    IP 142.254 95.147
    Def gateway 142.254 92.1
  2. NUC10 pc on VPN
    IP 142 254.94 179
    gateway 142.254.92 1
  3. Ipad Pro no vpn
    IP 192.168 68 85
    Router 192 168 68 1

The iPad Pro is mainly used as Roon Remote. I used the pc (s) initially for setup & trouble shooting.
The ipad pro scrn currently allows me to “choose your Roon Server” and hangs … "Looking for your Roon Server… "

I did not change the default TP-Link IP. Has been communicating with Roon Rock on my network w/o issues.


May think it glib but have you tried restarting your router , power down and disconnect everything then progressively restart each component in order.

Often works for me …

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Wow that is “interesting”, you have at least five different subnets using at least three different gateways. As has been said, the Roon server will only work if it is on the same subnet as the Roon remote and endpoints. Which is NOT the case according to your information. So you need to sort that out.

The VPN is not helping you here. Can you disable it for now for troubleshooting?
The only address that makes sense is the one for the Ipad.

Where is the Roon server device plugged into?
Do you have an ISP modem? Or are you on fiber with no modem and are only using your own router?

Like @Mike_O_Neill said maybe try restarting the whole network starting at the ISP modem or router.
If this does not work you could go into your router and assign IP reservation for the NUC to get it to the “base” subnet of the router (which I suspect is the 192.168.68.xx) and change its gateway to the

BTW, you can access the webUI because you are using a browser to navigate manually to its address. This is a separate issue to the server being able to communicate with endpoints and remotes.

I also know this behavior from my Nordvpn. Since everything runs through an external server, every device gets an IP address that cannot be traced.
But I would never expect Roon to work under these circumstances.

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Hi @JamesW,

Thanks for sharing the additional network information, and I’m sorry to say that the use of VPNs falls outside the official scope of Roon support. I’ve moved your thread over to the Tinkering category where I’m confident others who share similar network setups will be able to assist.

You do have my apologies here!

Hello Bear…
Am not using any of the PCs as a Roon Remote.
Roon Remote only using on 3 devices-- an iPad Pro (main), my Android cell, and iPad for last 3 years fine. None of the 3 Remote devices ever had VPN. Used for years NP. Loved my Roon.

Then ~2-3:months ago, my Roon auto bkp which has always been schd 2x weekly, started getting errors so i acknowledged errors to continue. NP.
Then ~1 5 months ago, my cell & iPad stopped working trying to connect. Normally powering down these 2 remote would fix. Main ipad pro always worked. Then later, the 2 remotes stopped working and reinstalling Roon Remote app fixed issue. Ipad pro always worked.

Then this week, even reinstall wouldnt work on 2 remote devices (cell & ipad).
Using ipad pro was still good until a few days ago, got bkp errors as normal now, so tried to acknowledge and clear as always, but this time, it hung, then got trying to find Roon server… and stayed like that. Tried reboot ipad and NUC Roon… still same to this day have not been able to connect/find Roon NUC Rock on any of my 3 Remote Devices. I dont use PCs for access.

Sorry for long story, but as said, nothing on my network changed for years and issues seem to start with bkp error.

I’ve powered down 50secs/rebooted all equip including the sonic modem. Ive turned off vpn on my PCs and even powered them off.

Issues remain the same.

Nuc Roon Rock
Ipad pro
Cell 192 168.68.74

I never changed the Roon Rock NUC ip nor do i know how to.

So, something more than likely changed (maybe in the background?) that resulted in your NUC getting assigned an IP that no longer works for you is my guess.
If all the remotes you were using are on the 192.168.68.XXX subnet, then, in my mind, there are two ways try to address this.

The first, and my recommended way, is to get into your router and set-up an “IP reservation” for the NUC using 192.168.68.(whatever IP is open) so that the NUC is on the same subnet as your remote devices. I am not familiar with TP-link Decco, but they have instructions for how to do the reservation on their site:

The second way is to go to the NUC webUI and change the setting to Static IP (from its current setting of DHCP) and change the IP to the same subnet (again the 192.168.68.whatever IP is open). It would also be advisable to change the gateway, Netmask, and DNS server to match what your IPAD or cell are using.
To do the second method on the webUI page for ROCK change the networking to “Static” and enter the address, gateway, netmask, and DNS server, once you apply the change and reboot the NUC you “should” be able to control it with you remotes. Alos, the webUi would be accessed at the new address of course.

The reason the first method is preferable is that, if there was ever an issue with the network/router/change of ISP/etc. you can replace the router and redo the reservation (with whatever would work for the new setup) and the NUC would not care as it is still in DHCP ( a dynamic method of assigning IP addresses where the device asks for any available IP instead of demanding a specific one. You control what available to the device on the router side.)

If you were to set the NUC to static and ever had to change the router (like get a new ISP, or just upgrade it to a newer one) you might have to jump through some hoops to either reset the network on the NUC or remember the IP you assigned and then assign in the new router. This also assume the new router would use the same subnet as the old one.

Sorry if that got a little long but thought you might want to know a little more about it.

Bear, thank you! Think changing NUC Roon easiest, simplest method.

Not sure of the Rock os is corrupted started getting errors when the automatic backups were in progress.
If continue to get error mssgs, guess after we get roon network connected, will try to do a fresh reinsall of roon rock on nuc. If still get errors, may be a hardware issue if roon has not made any recent os or sw updates.

Thanks again for all the help!!

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Hello Bear,
#1 add custom IP to nuc mac address in TP-Link Deco.
Rebooted all. Did not connect and nuc ip actually didnt chg.

#2 On ipad Pro normally used for primary Roon Remote, on webUI, upd as Static with new ip, netmask, dns, gateway. [Save] errored with unable to connect. Tried seversl times.
Rebooted anyways…few times.

Eventally nuc now has the new ip addr! Great but still mot on network and now ipad pro cant access new ip.

Guess next step is to reinstall Rock on NUC. Any pointers?


Try resetting the network on the NUC:

What type of internet do you have?
Is there an ISP supplied Modem/router? Model? Does it have WiFi?
Can you list out the devices from the wall in (i.e. ISP modem/router=>TP-link deco router=>etc.)
Need to understand how everything is connected.
What device is the NUC plugged into?
Is the wireless turned on in the NUC WebUI?