Roon ROCK not appearing on network and login screen clears info (ref#I5VR36)

The ONT (Optical Network Terminal) is a converter from ISP side fiber optic cable (coming from their router or central hub) to Client side copper ethernet (just an ethernet jack either on the ONT or in your wall depending on how it was installed, Sonic calls it a “modem” but its not really a modem is an optical to copper converter). The IP for the WAN (wide area network) is assigned on the ISP side once you hook a Router up. The client router then assigns LAN (local area network) IPs to devices on the local network (and WiFi ips if it has a WiFi access point built it). If you hook a computer or switch (not a router) directly to the ONT it would “try” to assign WAN IPs to the computer or to everything connected to the switch (if the ISP allows more than one IP). This is why the OP had multiple IP in the 135 (WAN) range. These WAN IPs are periodically “timed out” and need to be “renewed”, which may be why it stopped working?

Now that the router is connected directly to the ONT it should have one WAN IP, and all devices should be on the 192.168.68.x LAN (other than the PCs with the VPN IPs, but even they should have a base IP of 192.168.68.x before teh VPN changes it).

The only issue now is figuring out why the remotes don’t connect.

@JamesW You still have not told us (or I missed it) what happens when you hit “connect” on the phone that showed the connect screen after we sorted out the IP issue.

I asked because the originally displayed ip is from Sonic:

I assumed that the ONT was purely a modem in bridge mode without any other features, but that may be questionable. Looking further I came across:
There are some uncertainties here.
A faulty DHCP server could play a role, the Rock unit or the NIC could have a glitch.
And there are also inconsistencies such as

Yep, lots of confusion, as we did not have a complete and accurate picture of the network. One of the reasons we really need to have a full support ticket write-up from the start.

The original IP for the NUC in the first screen shot is due to the TP-Link HUB/switch being hooked up to the ONT and getting assigned a WAN IP address.
The 142.x.x.x IPs and associated Gateways are from NordVPN.
Now we know that the Sonic ONT is not a router, but a fiber converter (or as they call it a modem, which it is not technically).

Get the trying to connect to roon server… never connects.

Will likely get another NUC, likely nuc10i7 and do a fresh new Rock install.

  1. then do I restore whatever valid music bkps i have off external hd?
    Not sure if i need to
    Deactivate roon subscription off current nuc8i7 that doesnt allow Remote Roon.

Can you advise what are the latest version & build for
2) os. ?v1.0 build 261
3) sw. ?v2.0 builf 1442

Some online comments mention an os v 1.6 or even 2 0??

Thank you for the help…

It’s too bad we couldn’t figure it out. Was hoping support would chime back in.
If you are going to the trouble of ordering a new NUC it might be worth it to just uninstall everything of your remotes and try again. Then try reinstalling ROCK on your current NUC.
Just to see if that does it? Do you have a back-up of your DB that you can restore?

I think some are getting the OS and Roon server numbers mixed up
Latest Roon server software is:

As for the OS (for ROCK) its (as far as I know):

Screenshot from my own NUC with Rock OS

However, I would consider opening a completely new thread in the support section with all the essential information before purchasing again.
Support has more options to locate any errors and to name the cause.
And after all, this would be the third NUC purchase within three years?!

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