I am having an issue installing Roon Rock on the above Intel NUC as the UEFI setting cannot be disabled in bios. Intel have confirmed that this product is locked to UEFI only.
I plan to return this NUC and get one that i can install Roon Rock onto. The list of approved NUC products for this purpose on you website includes NUC8iXXXX.
Can you confirm that the NUC8i5BEK does not work with Roon Rock because of the reason given and also confirm which NUC8XXXX products will work please?
Apologies for the delay here. Legacy Boot is required and UEFI is not supported, so the hardware must support the Legacy option. We’ve had some users state that they’ve had success using the NUC8iXBEH – i3 i5 and i7. We have other posts on Community where the NUC8 devices have been discussed as well:
I bought an 8i5BEH (to my knowledge identical save for being in the taller profile case?) recently and had no problems with legacy boot or installing ROCK.