Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
UK sky broadband
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Description Of Issue
Using back button when viewing album/ or any play screen creates white screen. When this happens next i will screen shot it.Roon task bar remains, reboot of Roon on ipad required
Can you provide some more information regarding this issue?
Does this behavior happen on multiple Roon Remotes?
What model/iOS version of iPad do you have?
Can you share the screenshot are you noted?
What are the reproduction steps to get into this state?
(Vinyl is still King, but Roon is heir apparent.)
Apologies, yes the info required.
IPAD is the only remote where this occurs
12" pro/ ios ver 13.3.1
I still dont have a screenshot
Reproduction steps are not entirely relevant as it seems random
Thanks for that info, please provide a screenshot of this behavior next time it occurs and if you are able to note any step(s) you took immediately before the behavior occurs, please do let me know. Thanks!
(Vinyl is still King, but Roon is heir apparent.)
Roger, wilco
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(Vinyl is still King, but Roon is heir apparent.)
This, when I choose an album from Qobuz new albums
The album selected was the Windermere children, but I got white screen.
I minimalist the Ipad screen, wait a minute, maximise again and the album popped up after 5-7 seconds.
Thanks for sharing that screenshot. It looks like the issue occurred on January 30th at 21:20, so I have activated diagnostics mode and what this does is automatically upload a log set next time your iPad is active.
Can I please ask that you let me know the next time you use Roon on your iPad so that I can check to see if diagnostics have been delivered? Thanks!
(Vinyl is still King, but Roon is heir apparent.)
Hi Noris,
I have used the IPAD with ROON this morning, thank you
I wanted to update you here that iPad diagnostics have arrived successfully and I have requested additional feedback regarding them from the QA team, I’m seeing some traces which require clarification.
Once I have additional feedback regarding this issue I will be sure to reach out again. In the meantime - you may want to try reinstalling the Roon app if you have not done so yet. If that triggers a change in behavior do let me know and I can mention this in your case notes. Thanks!
(Vinyl is still King, but Roon is heir apparent.)
Ok understood. I will uninstall and reinstall as requested.