To correct iTunes paths in the xml file I ran a small bash script to create a new xml file that I use for Roon:
itunesxml="/share/Music/iTunes/iTunes Library.xml"
itunesxml4roon="/share/Music/RooniTunesXML/iTunes Library.xml"
echo "Manipulating iTunes Library.xml for Roon..."
sed 's#/Volumes/Music/iTunes#/share/Music/iTunes#g' "$itunesxml" > "$itunesxml4roon"
"itunesxml" - Variable assigned to the current path of your iTunes XML.
"itunesxml4roon" - Variable where the new xml file should be saved.
In the last line you should replace the path that needs to be corrected. In my case I replaced “/Volumes/Music/iTunes” with /share/Music/iTunes".