Roon server not running - can't get it to start

Some time in the past couple of weeks Roon topped working for me. I’ve put in a ticket for help, but not had any response.

It is running on a NUC and has been fine for 2 or 3 years, but now I get the message that Roon server is not running and clicking ‘Start’ gives me an error message.

Any ideas how to fix this?


Similar problem. I am directly wired to an excellent Fios modem and in the past few months periodically the software “can’t find the server” and streaming stops. If I restart program I sometimes get it back.
Something must be amiss. Running mac big sur.

@Jason_Gray, welcome to the Community. I don’t see any other posts or support requests from you (this post is showing as your first and only post). Roon Support has this in their queue and will respond to you.

What are you experiencing on your NUC?

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@stewart_kiritz - the best course of action is always to open your own Support request and describe your setup in detail if you want help.

You may have a similar symptom, but not necessarily the same cause as the original poster - your system setup may be different, that’s why the general rule is to always first open your own request. Let the Support team merge threads if they find common causes.

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I submitted a ticket via the Support page as per the instructions in the error message dialogue when trying to get Roon OS Server to start.

@Jason_Gray, nothing appears to have been submitted other than your post here. Now that you have started this thread, you should be in the Roon Support queue.

I have an auto reply from a few days ago when I submitted it.

Perhaps there was a glitch but it’s not showing under your user.

Yeah so there’s a glitch in your support system and with my service. I look forward to receiving some help here.

Are you running ROCK or on windows?

And where do you see that Roon Server is not running on your NUC, and what is the error message when you click Start? Thanks.

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Hi @Jason_Gray,

Welcome to the community! I’m glad to see you managed to share your issue with the Technical Support team.

This was in fact no autoreply, but a response from our very own @beka, who heads all things Account and Billing related. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nonetheless, we’re happy you’re here and looking forward to getting Roon back up and running properly for you.

We’re not currently able to see your ROCK online, are you able to access the ROCK webUI? You can access it by entering the following into a web browser:

  1. Typing in the IP Address of the RoonOS Device in a Web Browser

  2. Typing the hostname, for example http://rock

  3. Typing the .local suffix for the device, for example http://rock.local

Share a screenshot if you’re able to access this page. A set of logs from the device would be helpful to, if you could please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?
