Roon Server not showing up on Roon iOS Remotes

About 24 hours after successfully reinstalling Roon Server and then Roon on my 2018 Mac Mini, now Roon Server is not showing up on any of my iOS Roon remotes (iPhone 15 and iPad Pro 10.5 inch). Everything was working perfectly yesterday.

I’ve confirmed everything is online on the same Wi-Fi network, restarted the Mac Mini with Roon Server and reinstalled the iOS apps. The problem remains.

A bit confused about the the above highlighted section of your post. There is only 1 install and that is Roon. RoonServer no longer exists as a separate installation for Windows or MacOS.

RoonServers should be connected to the internet via ethernet not wifi.

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Have you tried clicking on the link in the middle?

Yes I have. Nothing pops up.

Have you got the Mac Mini connected to your network with Ethernet?

Yes. It is connected to my cable router/modem and Synology DS218 via Ethernet. It’s currently playing music from the DS218. I can control it using Roon on the Mac Mini but it’s not being seen by the iOS Roon remotes.

On the Max Mini Roon Remote, head to settings in Roon and go to General (should open on this).

What’s the IP address?

If you take a screenshot, remove your email address.

On your iOS device, head to settings and WiFi. Tap on the ‘i’ in the circle on the network you’re connected to.

What’s the IP address under the ipv4 section.

They need to be on the same subnet.

Mine are and

Same subnet

Okay so I changed the title of the ticket as I see it can be potentially misleading. And now oddly the Mac Mini is showing up on both remotes. I’m going to monitor this and see what happens and then implement your approach if I end up seeing the same issues again.