Roon shuts down when opening Thai album with Thai letters [Ticket In]

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category

Description of Issue

If I open Thai album with Thai letter (like is. “บุคคลที่ 3”), roon is shutdown and I can’t get it work.
If I want to use roon than open roon and place mouse poiter on back button in roon, and click it before roon shut down itseft.
I use roon 2.0 build 1353 on Windows with roon core on Synology NAS. but roon remote on iOS not have this problem.

Roon Core Platform


Roon Core Specifications

Roon core on Synology NAS

Connected Audio Devices

Devialet Phantom II 95 dB

Home Network Details

Wifi to pc and NAS connect via LAN to router

Hello @ekapol.x !

Can you please upload logs from your Windows Roon Remote so that we can perform an additional diagnostic of your issue?

Please use the instructions in the following article:


I have uploaded a log under the name “Ekapol Chucherd.”

Thank you

Hi @ekapol.x !

Thank you for uploading logs but we can’t reproduce this issue locally yet.

Can you please send a screenshot from your iOs remote with album details of the album that is causing a crash on your Windows remote?

Also, can you please verify that the album that caused the crash is "Book kon tee sam” by Trai Bhumiratna?
We would appreciate a Tidal link for this album.
If it is a local album you can send us a copy of that album.


Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 23.23.38|690x437

This is a screenshot from Roon on Mac from a local music file, which does not have a problem.
and this is a tidal link. Book Kon Tee Sam by Trai Bhumiratna on TIDAL

Thank you.

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Thank you for sharing the screenshot!

If I’m getting it right Roon is crashing when you visit this local album details page, right?

Can you please try to disable the local storage, go to this album’s details page, and check if Roon crashes?
In case Roon isn’t crashing in this scenario I would appreciate it if you upload the local version of the mentioned album to Dropbox or Google Drive.

It’s happened only on local music files. I tried some Thai music on Tidal, and it’s working fine.

Here is some Thai music for testing.

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Hi @ekapol.x !

My apologies for not returning earlier.

Do you still experience crashes when opening previously mentioned albums?

If you do, can you please answer additional questions?

  1. What is the system language of your Windows machine?
  2. Did you make any custom edits to the mentioned albums (for example renaming an album or an artist via Roon)?

Yes, Roon still crashes on many albums in my local library.
and answer is

  1. This is my system info, I set locate to US and system language is US English

  2. I think no, because many albums have a same problem.

Hi @ekapol.x,

Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work through this case with development.

If you’re willing to try, what happens if you change the Windows system language setting from your screenshot above to Thai instead of English?

We want to see if the conflict between Roon’s localization and the OS language setting is causing an issue here.

We’ll follow up from there. Thanks!

I tried to change the location to Thailand, set the Windows system language to Thai, and set the language for non-Unicode to Thai, but it didn’t help.

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Thank you @ekapol.x, we’ve passed this along to QA for further investigation.

Hi @ekapol.x,

This ticket remains in the pipeline for now - we’ll post an update when we a fix is prepared to release.

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