Roon skipping all dsf file types

I was trying to load some DSD files into my library last night. They are all in .dsf format. I put them in their own folder so I could easily find them. After pointing roon at that folder I noticed they weren’t showing up in my library. I found they were actually skipped under the skipped files section and it shows audio stream format not supported. I don’t know what could cause this.

Are they compressed?


PS: It might help for troubleshooting to open one of the files in another player like for example VLC and lookup the technical details there. You can also post screenshots here to show others the result of that.

DSF doesn’t support compression, only DFF.

The main issue is, that “dsf” are just three letters. Users can usually name files what ever they want, therefore their content doesn’t have to match any definition or standard a name might imply.

Those three letters are important, since I believe most apps just use extensions to figure out the format instead of looking at contents and trying to match all known formats. I don’t know how Roon does it, but it’s fair to expect that a DSF file is not a DFF in disguise.

But Roon complains about “Audio stream format not supported”, so obviously something is off (content doesn’t comply to expected format/standard) with those files.

Which most probably means Roon expects a DSF format in a .dsf file. A DFF content, compressed or not, would fail the test.

Does this happen with DSF files are just these new ones you added?

Those DSF files are ridiculously large per track. They appear to run ~25 Mbps, thus are not DSD64. On the other hand, they are not large enough to be DSD1024, which is not supported. Perhaps they are DSD256x48, which I believe also is not supported.


Even on SACD conversions from ISO to DSF its the same

Hi @Chris_Moore1 ,

Thanks for the report here. Can you please send us one of the sample tracks for review? The smallest of the files would be best - Filtter Happier seems to have the smallest file size. You can send it here for review and let us know once uploaded, thanks!

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