Roon skips through the songs on the album very quickly without playing

Roon Core Machine

Mac Mini M1

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

When I try to play something it just skips through the songs on the album very quickly without playing.
Why is this occurring?

This is usually because of some mismatch in the audio settings for your Roon Endpoint. You haven’t told us what Audio devices you are using. Please supply this information to aid further diagnosis.

I’m not computer savvy but I assume by “audio devices” you are querying the speakers. I am plying the music through twin Sonos 5’s

Hi @Phillip_Apelbaum,

We’ll be happy to help you with this.

If you would, please edit your initial post and supply the remaining portions of the template. In this particular case, your networking gear and audio devices are super important in providing the proper assistance.


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