Roon skips through tracks without playing them!

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

DELL desktop PC running windows 10

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Wi Fi running at over 120mbs

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Audiolab Mini DAC connected via Bluetooth

Description Of Issue

This morning I pressed the shuffle button as I wished to play through my library randomly and listen to music without having to bother about changing albums or tracks. This worked fine. However, after shutting down Roon for a period when I tried to restart playing my library Roon just skipped quickly through the tracks in my library without playing them.
I clicked on the shuffle button again as I thought this might reset the system but it did not.
I have deleted Roon from my system and downloaded it agin but the issue remains

Disconnect Bluetooth, reboot the DAC and roon the reconnect.

Hello @George_Hogan,

I would try selecting the Audiolab Mini DAC as your “System Output” in the Windows taskbar, and then playing to the “System Output” zone in Roon.

We have also found that on occasion, rebooting the PC can fix issues like this.


I’m having similar problems with my system. I typically log onto ROOn via Laptop and the use an iPad or iPhone to remotely program playlists etc.
Roon is crashing or simply not reading playlists as it cycles through the playlists without playing the song.
Once it occurs it’s sheer frustration in trying to reboot, recycle everything to get it work again.

Please advise of any workouts.

Thank you

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