Roon slow response on Macbook Pro

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)


Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Cable modem connected to Apple Router.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Lumin T1 hardwired to router (ethernet)

Description Of Issue

My core is on the Nucleus. Remote control software is loaded on an iPad pro and iPhone 7. It is also loaded on my Macbook Pro. Recently the Roon response on the Macbook has slowed down. I get the multi-color swirling icon frequently and movement within the Roon app and when making musical selections is choppy with delays. This has just started happening. I do not have this issue with any other applications on my Macbook. Operation on my phone and iPad is smooth and fast.

Have you rebooted the MacBook? Have you done any Mac OS update recently?

If you see the spinning beachball for longer time than acceptable, please generate a detailed SMART HDD report (via some software) for me to look at.

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Please also try this workaround and see if this is applicable to your case:

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Hi @Randy_Hatcher1,

I would second the reboot of the Mac, does that change anything?
What is the exact model/year of the Macbook affected by this issue?
Could you record a short video regarding this behavior?

Thank you. Re-booting the Macbook Pro seems to have resolved the problem.

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