Not always. As far as I know, the riddle of “what constitutes a composition” was never 100% solved, but it seems that the “this is a composition” metadata must come from an online metadata source that Roon uses - but this may not be sufficient (see the links below). In some cases when it’s missing, it helps to add an album from a streaming service that contains the composition; then it also gets applied to the track where it’s missing. In other cases it helps to add a composer (when it’s missing from the track).
But not all cases can be solved and sometimes whatever you do does not seem to make a track a composition. Unfortunately in these cases it is not possible to edit a track manually in Roon to make it a composition. I don’t know why and IMHO it should be possible, e.g., to merge a track into a known composition. But it isn’t, which forces me to mark some tracks with a tag, which is a PITA.
You will find the info what can be done in the threads I linked above, and additional investigation was conducted here: