Is there a specific error message you see? If so, please select from the following options:
· Other
Please try to reboot your Roon Server and check to see if this helps.
· Rebooting my Server had no effect, the issue remains
Please try to reboot and unplug/replug in your affected audio device and check to see if this helps.
· Rebooting and unplugging/replugging my audio device, the issue remains
Please open your Roon Remote and select the "System Output" Zone and try to play to it. Do you encounter any playback errors with this Zone?
· Playback *errors for both* my other zone and when I play to System Output as well
Please try fully rebooting your network equipment
· No, I'm still having trouble
An issue with playback on System Output and another zone often indicates a network security problem. *Check your firewall(s)* to ensure that *Roon*, *RoonServer *and *RAATServer* are allowed to properly communicate
· I'm still having problems / This isn't relevant to me
Does the issue happen with local library music, streaming service music, or both?
· Both local and streaming content are affected
Please try playing content of a lower sample rate (44.1kHz or 48kHz). Do you still have the same issue?
· No, lower sample rates are still affected
What is the model/manufacturer of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?
If that’s the case, the Windows Event Viewer should be able to give more information on what is happening when the Roon Server reboots. What does it say?
I’m wondering whether in fact this is not a “rebooting” issue, but a network issue that is causing communication to be lost between your Roon Server and your playback device? I’ve not come across an instance of Roon Server running on Windows “rebooting” - crashing yes, but rebooting, no…
How do I activate the windows event viewer?
I sent the screenshots it mentions rebooting.
All my devices are connected via wired network.
What is the next step ?
Click Start and type “Event Viewer” (without the quotes) into the search field to bring up the Windows Event Viewer, which you can then click to start.
You want to look at the Application log, click “Filter Current Log…” and check the “Error” box followed by “OK” to show just the error events. See the following screenshot to see how to set this up:
As a quick side test as well, can you reproduce the issue without the eversolo USB device active? What happens if you play to the system output of one of your remote devices?
Thanks for the update - we’re seeing a lot of activity with an eversolo device, I’d triple check that you don’t have any extra device attempting to connect with Roon.
As a next step, let’s fully remove Roon from the windows and do a fresh install - do you have a recently saved backup?
After you uninstalled Roon, navigate to C:\Users\[*Your username*]\AppData\Local and delete all Roon folders:
After a fresh install (download here), restore your recently saved backup to load your prior library settings.