Roon, SOtM sMS-200ultra, and NuPrime DAC-10 native DSD playback issue

Hi @John,

You may recall that I opened a ticket a few months ago entitled, “Roon, ultraRendu, and NuPrime DAC-10H native DSD playback issue” that Roon successfully resolved in build 360. Well, I’ve replaced my ultraRendu with a SMS-200ultra Neo and find myself in a similar situation as before. SMS-200Ultra/Eunhasu does appear to be ready to process at DSD256 via Roon Ready but Roon is limited via its interface to DSD128.

Also, attempting to play back Roon Server -> HQPlayer Embedded at a Rate of “11289600” (DSD256) with Modulator “DSD7 256+fs” -> HQPlayer NAA on SMS-200Ultra/Eunhasu results in playback failing to begin. This was fixed for playback through the ultraRendu in Roon build 360.

I’d very much appreciate your help resolving these issues.

Thank you!

Settings in reference to Roon Ready playback issue

Specific settings in reference to HQPlayer Embedded playback issue

Eunhasu version (latest)

Hello @DavidY,

We will reach out to SOtM with your report, thanks for the clear reproduction steps.


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Thank you,@John!


Hi @John

I know you guys have had your hands full with 1.6 so I’ve been leaving you alone. Wondering, though, if there’s been any progress on this issue.

Thanks much,

Hello @DavidY,

We are in contact with SOtM regarding this issue as well as a few other items relating to the sMS-200ultra, I can’t promise anything at this point in time but I hope to have some news to share soon.


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Understood. Thank you, @John!


Same issue here. Sms 200 ultra and dac 10h. Dac 10h is allegedly on the native dsd dacs list of sotm. Still, not working in native dsd. Any updates on the matter?

No updates that I’m aware of. Having said that, I’ve got a different DAC now.

Issue solved. Thanks again to May (sotm) and John (roon).

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