Roon stops playing every 2 weeks

Roon Nucleus+ - Serial #54B2038DA185

Connected Audio Devices

DAC/ Streamer with roon end point is the dCS Rossini.


is wired

Number of Tracks in Library

231871 tracks - 10014 albums

Description of Issue

Roon stops playing. Can’t select another track.
Only thing that solves the problem is restarting Roon server software on the Nucleus+

Hi @Tassos_Belessiotis,

If there’s a precise cycle to the disconnection you’re experiencing (exactly two weeks), a possible culprit might be the DHCP or network security settings in your router. It sounds like the static IP address assigned to your Core loses its validity on the network after a certain period of time.

Please elaborate on your network setup: what is your main router, do you have any network switches or second routers, etc.

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