Roon stream downsampled to 16/44.1 for DCS Bartok (ref#STU3G9)

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Why is my Roon stream (over Ethernet) down sampled to 16/44.1 to feed my DCS Bartok?

Describe your network setup

Roon Server is on my OpenSUSE Leap 15.6 system and connected via Ethernet to my DCS Bartok

Because you’ve chosen to use AirPlay. 44.1kHz 16 bit is the best AirPlay can do for you. Use a higher quality connection, like for example Roon Ready (RAAT), instead if you want higher sample-rates and/or bit-depths.

How do I unchoose AirPlay?

Activate another, non-AirPlay playback zone for your DAC and choose that zone instead for playback.

Thanks. I have been listening to bad audio for a year!

44.1/16 isn’t „bad“. You didn’t hear ultrasonics, that’s true though. And if your dcs supports a different connection that doesn’t require resampling, then it’s preferable.

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Choral singing sounds awful–crackly at 16.44.1

If it’s so bad, how come you never noticed?

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I did, but did not know why. Sop today I tried 192kbps instead of what I thought was 96kbps, and no change.

Well, on balance it’s better not having to resample, so you got a free upgrade today. Enjoy!

Which both are (streaming) bit-rates and not to be mistaken for sample-rates (kHz). Also bit-rates are usually given for (lossy) compressed content (MP3, AAC, …). So both of them (192kbps and 96kbps) may likely decompress into the same sample-rate and bit depth (likely 16/44.1).

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If it really was that bad, I don’t think it was because of the resolution. Your signal path doesn’t show any headroom adjustment, so it’s possible the signal was clipping during down-conversion.

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Hey @James_Rome,

I’m glad to hear @BlackJack’s comment above helped! Certainly, let us know if you run into any other questions along the way. :+1: