Was wondering if there is a target date to add Roon ROCK support for Intel NUC 13 model NUC13ANK in the near future.
Thank you,
Hello there, welcome to Roon.
I’m just a user but I had free time to offer an opinion.
Roon in general doesn’t release timelines. Most vendors don’t because we the endusers tend to be merciless if those dates slip. They always slip.
That device should run ROCK soon if not already. They may need to do some tweaking but it may not be that difficult.
I’d recommend getting this system if interested and try ROCK. If it doesn’t just work you can easily run Ubuntu and roonserver on that gear.
There are plenty of people here willing to get you up and running.
Fair enough Paul and thanks for the prompt response. I have said Intel NUC 13 on order so I’ll do just that. Any tips in advance outside of the standard Rock installation instructions appreciated. Looking forward to this project and the anticipated fun it’s going to be.
Read and ask questions. Nothing really prep you can do other than that.
I have no idea your comfort level with installing an os. but if you aren’t very familiar Ubuntu explains it well.
I’m a very big fan of virtual machines for learning. Super easy to delete and rebuild vs bare metal installs.
Thank you for sharing that piece. Based on my understanding of Roon ROCK, this NUC13s fan should not be running often, so good to hear this opinion, but not concerned .
There is an ongoing thread about the NUC13 with experiences
Just put mine together and it runs great!
I just built my Rock NUC13i7ANK and I am very impressed.
I was running Roon Server on Nuc 12 Extreme I9 but the Nuc 13 is much responsive and scan and recognition of 93K tracks took a couple of hours from NAS/ Tidal and Qobuz. I couldn’t be more impressed.
I went for 64GB RAM and a 256GB Kingston NVME SSD for the NUC. Cheap as chips really.
The install of ROCK and codec copy on took about 30 minutes and it would be much quicker next time knowing what Im doing.
So just to be 100% clear - you installed ROCK with the standard Roon ROCK distribution on a NUC13 without any glitches?
I thought things were working in general, besides HDMI which I thought wasn’t functional.
Yes I did. I followed an excellent YouTube video and it was easy really. The only outputs I use are network of course, and one USB for a thumb drive to hold files ripped via another USB and external cd drive.
I had no use for the HDMI output. Everything else works beautifully. I bought a Grimm Mu1 at the end of last year and briefly used that for core but went back to the Nuc13i7 as it was much snappier in performance. The Grimm Mu1 is now just being used as endpoint.