How long does it normally take for ROON to respond to a support request? Been waiting for 2 days and still haven’t heard back. I contacted them via the contact form.
I tend to find issues are followed up quickly via this site.
I’d post here under the support category
Roon’s support is amazing, but I’ve managed to find pretty much all my answers via the forum.
It’s well worth posting your query here, as there are also a lot of helpful and knowledgeable users, as well as the Roon team who are pretty much always here too.
[damn, beat me to it]
Thank you guys. I will post my question here.
Hey @wslam – I just checked and you should hear back in response to your email today.
Generally speaking, the community site is the best place to get help on any kind of Roon question – clarification about features, technical support, bug reporting, etc.
The only thing we don’t handle here on the community site are billing and membership questions, which is what we reserve the contact email for. Since that seems to be the nature of your question, I’m going to take down the other thread, and we’ll be in touch via email today.
Thank you Mike! Problem solved. Thanks.
Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.