Roon to Linn stopped working!

It’s clear that proper Roon Ready status is imminent for Linn DSMs. But I’ve just updated the firmware on my Selekt Edition Organik - and now Roon won’t connect to it! It’s telling me that my unit is uncertified. Presumably there’s an update coming from Roon to resolve this? (I’m not the only one - others reporting the same issue on Linn forums.)

Have you downloaded the Beta Davaar firmware Paul?

Yup, it’s a Beta version. Linn are probably working out the bugs before they release it as a definitive update.

Unfortunately I can’t access it at the moment - I hadn’t signed up to Linn’s development programme and have yet to receive confirmation of membership.

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in the on-line manage systems for your Linn streamer, under the Music tab there is an option to switch between Roon Ready and Linn Streaming if you have updated to the new firmware and lost connection to Roon.

Thank you. That worked for me, will keep me going until Linn and Roon sort themselves out.

Is it understood whether or not pre-release Roon software is currently requires for this to work? I got the impression that there may be a switch in Roon to allow it to work with non-certified devices or something like that. I’m traveling at the moment and can’t look at it myself.

Any further feedback or issue should be added to this thread: