Roon TUI: A Roon Remote for the terminal - New: Zone Presets (v0.3.1)


git pull
cargo build release

now gives

Going by the instructions

On first execution the outside border of the UI will be highlighted without any views active, this indicates that pairing with a Roon Core has to take place. Use your Roon Remote and select Settings→Extensions from the hamburger menu and then Enable Roon TUI.

Had to run them both at the same time, having the roon-tui open in the background while launching the GUI app gave me the option to authorize.

Oh, and here is some fun stuff

CTRL+C to quit?

Even though the TUI is off the Richter’s scale for now, it’s an amazing project.

Is this is on 2 different devices? You cannot get the messages on the last screenshot without a connection to the core.

These messages are incomplete so I cannot analyze. Can you start the TUI without music playing and then e.g. change volume on one zone to capture a single message? It might make it also easier if you reduce the size of the terminal window.

Ran into an odd one today…

Last nite I left roon-tui running, but hit ctl-p to pause playback. This morning hitting ctl-p again to resume playing resulted in a very brief return to playing (a second or less), only to automatically go back on pause. Multiple tries produced the same results. Shutting roon-tui down and restarting brought it back up, still paused on the same song, and ctl-p again resulted in the same brief-play-then-back-to-pause behavior.

Rebooted the PC, and everything began working as normal, problem gone. This is all on Ubuntu 22.04.3, running the latest RoonBridge software.

This is not something that can be analyzed right now, as such analysis over a longer period of time requires the logging of messages in a file. A logging feature might come at some point but is currently not on the top of my list.

Version 0.0.4 of Roon TUI is now available!

This time mostly bug fixes and further refinements based on the comments that were made over the last week. I hope this release will further improve usability.

There is one new feature and that is that the location of the config.json file can be specified on the command line. Checkout the updated README for details.

Full Changelog

  • Add option to specify location of config.json on the command line
  • Refine multi-character jump implementation
  • Add support for volume control with 0.5dB steps
  • Show Now Playing progress also for paused zones
  • Jump to top of queue on item selection
  • Update README to version 0.0.4 status
  • Update to rust-roon-api 0.0.5

Some reference towards the comments:

This should work now.

Pressing the Home keys clears the provided input now.

Your “I Want Out!” zone has a 0.5dB resolution volume scale that could not be handled by Roon TUI. This should be fixed now.

Let me know if you see something unexpected or have a feature request, your comments have had a big impact over the last three weeks!


It absolutely does.

Big improvement.

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Logged another suggestion (or bug?) over on GitHub:

Hi @Jan_Koudijs ,

one thing that bothers me is that if you browse artists or albums, open one item (i.e. open the list of the artist’s albums or the tracks of an album resp.) and return with escape, you are back on the Library panel, not one level up (on the position of your item) as specified in the readme.

Another thing is that in the queue you only see the current and following tracks and cannot go back past the current track, but maybe that’s a matter of taste.

The app is already perfectly useable. Don’t know what other features you have in mind. Options to delete one track from the queue or clear the entire queue would be nice.

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This update worked well for my laptop in which have Roon GUI running. How do I make this run on a machine that does not have Roon GUI running?

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This is a bug. I will have a look at it.

As the queue is maintained by the Roon Server, the actions that can be performed on it are dictated by the Roon API. Unfortunately is doesn’t provide options for clearing or viewing past items.

That’s good news!

If there is a firewall running it might requiring the opening of a few ports, not sure what is exactly required these days. Maybe a forum search can help here.

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No firewall involved, it’s all on the same network.

Does roon_tui take arguments such as IP address of the Roon Server?

No it doesn’t. If it doesn’t get listed in the Roon Extensions list then another common cause is that the devices are running on different subnets of the network. If you do install the Roon GUI or Roon Bridge on the device can that find the Roon Server?

These are all items on the same network.

I have to accept each instance of roon-tui from a Roon GUI the first time, I get it. And the two of them do not have to be on the same network node.

It looks like the version numbers in cargo( 0.0.5 ) and TUI( 0.0.4 ) are off

Similar issue: Select a station from My Live Radio, you jump back to Explore, instead of staying on the list of radio stations.

Version 0.0.5 of Roon TUI is now available!

A new weekend and a new Roon TUI release (no promise I can keep this pace).

Version 0.0.5 brings the first USP to Roon TUI :partying_face:

I am one of those who, on the Roon Remote, clears the Queue to let playback finish at the end of the current track. In the past I even created an extension to insert a track in the Queue that triggers a Pause, call Queue Bot. With the creation of Roon Tui I can now control the User Interface so now I integrated a “Pause at End of Track” feature, just use Ctrl-e instead of Ctrl-p when playback is active!

Remaining Queue time
Another change is that the Queue shows the remaining playing time when it isn’t the active view, if it is active it remains showing the number of items in the Queue. Thanks @Nepherte, for suggesting this feature.


Bug fixes
There are 2 bug fixes. The first is the one reported by @Nickpi, about skipped levels if you use Esc to move up in the Browse view. The second is that sometimes a key was handled twice, e.g., when pressing Enter in the Zone Select the Enter was handled again when getting back in the Browse view.

That’s it for this time, I have more USPs in mind but that is for a later time.



  • Fix bug in multi page browse list loading
  • Prevent that a key press is handled by multiple views
  • Show Queue Time Remaining on inactive Queue view
  • Implement Pause on Track End

This is the behavior as provided by the Roon API, I cannot change this.

Hi Jan I have just downloaded this and got the following warning from Windows Security.
Not sure if anyone else has reported this but I could not see it in the thread.

I had to grab the download and copy it and rename the file and then unzip it for Windows to allow me to do anything with it.


I uploaded to Virustotal to test and as expected nothing amiss was found

all running on Windows but no Core is found and nothing is showing up as needing authorising.
Everything is on one subnet so there should be no issue there.

Has anyone using Windows successfully got this working yet?
Tried running as Administrator but no difference

@Michael_Harris Enable the extension from Settings in Roon.

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If Roon desktop is running, close it and restart, and it should be listed under Extensions.

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