Roon TUI: A Roon Remote for the terminal - New: Zone Presets (v0.3.1)

Thanks @Govnah for your idea, but as I stated in my message it is not showing up to authorise and I have tried it multiple times.

Unfortunately I cannot reboot the Windows PC at the moment as it is running a long process but I will try and see if it makes a difference and I already run Sharoon and Roon Extension Manager as well and RooExtend.

I have added it to the Firewall exception and disabled the firewall and also run it as Administrator and none of these things on Windows give an a connection to the Roon server

Thanks Martin for that suggestion I already tried that a few times as well.

I have another machine that I can try it on as well, so I will give that a go

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Oh, that’s a shame. This trick worked for me last time.

I’ve yet to update, but will post progress later.

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Well the other PC does the same thing as well, and I just tried your trick as well.
Hopefully you fare better. It was only going to be a nice little plaything that I could use to amuse me :grin:

I am running Windows 11 and went into Virus and Threat Protection and allowed the app to run. My Windows FW is off and I have Roon Core running on another VLAN and Network, but I use OPNSense and UDP Broadcast Relay and FW rules accordingly. I read where you have everything on the same network, just wanted give an overview of my environment, may help someone else.


No I appreciate the attempt to help thanks, it looks like it isn’t finding the Core which is running on Rock.Two machines and not finding it on either.
Good to know that it is running on Windows 11 though. I have an M1 Mac Mini as well but that is really only used for running HQPlayer so I try not to install or run anything else on that, but maybe I will give it a go tomorrow

Hi Michael,

Till this point I created the binary for Windows but wasn’t able to do any testing with it. I now move ahead and setup a Windows 10 Pro VM and downloaded the binary from GitHub.

While downloading, Google Chrome complained about an unusual file but by going to the Downloads page I could tell to keep the file. I did not get the trojan message. After that on first execution I got another warning where I had to indicate I really want to run this (this was after installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable). That then brought me to a Windows Defender window where I allowed it to communicate on private networks:


The unknown publisher is probably why we have to get trough all these hoops.

At this point Roon TUI showed up as an extension in Roon and after enabling it Roon TUI could access the Roon Server. You might have to check Windows Defender settings for allowed apps, or check any other apps that have a firewall or other protection function.

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This problem is back. I cannot take Roon TUI out of pause mode.

I’ve deleted Roon TUI and its config.json. Then I uninstalled Roon Bridge, then reinstalled Roon Bridge, ensured the extension was enabled in Roon Settings/Audio, then put the most current version of Roon TUI back. That resulted in a Roon TUI that never found the core - even though the extension was enabled. So I put the old config.json back, and it’s connected to the core, but will not come out of pause mode.


Thanks Jan,

Which version of the C++ Redistributable did you install? (I already have several, but often you need the right version).

My initial testing was to enable the App as below

When that did not work I turned off the firewall all together which made no difference, so maybe the C++ library is required for some networking features to talk.

Happy to try some things to help make this work better, my machines are running Windows 11 Pro

If you are not using Roon TUI but another Roon Remote can you then control this Roon Bridge zone without problems? Or the other way around, can Roon TUI control any of your other zones without problems?

I used this one, but before installation it complained that a dll could not be found, so I doubt this is the cause of the problem you are facing.

Thanks Jan and you are probably correct, but it is worth a shot.

Hi @Jan_Koudijs ,

  1. Returning with escapes works. Is it possible to return to the previous position of the selected item?
  2. You could make ~/.config/roon-tui/config.json the default (maybe + the current directory).

Answer to myself: I have now roon-tui 0.0.5 working on windows 10 and Ubuntu 23.04. The problem in both cases was - as Jan Koudijs was hinting on - a firewall issue.

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Can you provide any details that might help others facing firewall issues?

Yes, Roon TUI controls other zones perfectly.

No, on the Roon app on my iPad, when I switch it to the Roon TUI’s RoonBridge zone, everything is find until I hit “Play” and I get the message “Failed to open the audio device”.

On Roon TUI itself, when playing to the local RoonBridge zone, it is not longer paused (don’t know why). But when I select a track and CTL+P to play it shows the message “Loading” for about a second, then switches to the message “stopped”.

This smells like some kind of ALSA problem, which I’ll have to investigate.

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If you are running on a linux desktop system (ubuntu I suppose) you might have conflicts between roon (connectiong to alsa, i.e. needs exclusive access) and the sound system on your desktop (pulseaudio or pipewire).
Check with systemctl status roonbridge (or roonserver)

Possible workaround:

  • sudo apt install squeezelite
  • sudo systemctl --now disable squeezelite # don’t run it as root
  • (in your user session) squeezelite -z # start as user, you might set that up in your session
  • enable squeezebox in roon, select the squeezelite device
  • disable the alsa device

That is a clever workaround. Somehow it seems ironic, given that I ran Squeezelite for years before Roon existed, and now it’s being suggested as a workaround for Roon flaws. LOL. Thanks @Nickpi.

Have taken this up over at this thread, and the problem appears to be with RoonBridge. It has some known issues that are being investigated now. Will wait for a fix. Thanks.

Log out from the desktop and roon bridge will run smoothly (controlled w/ a remote or roon-tui from the console.
You could also install a pulseaudio-free desktop like Xfce (e.g. xubuntu, purge pulseaudio), but you can expect some issues (firefox e.g. does not run without pa).

Good catch. So the problem is definitely not Roon TUI, but ALSA working with the default Ubuntu 2.04.3 build.

Good suggestion, except that keeping things problem free is exactly why I’m running and Ubuntu LTS. Stability is my priority, so I’ll stick with what’s here now. Thanks.

So, my problem is definitely OT, and I’ll be taking it to this thread.