Roon unable to connect to Tidal (ref#EUFICU)

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Roon is not connecting to Tidal any longer. (While tidal app works perfectly fine.)

What kind of server are you using? There is a known issue currently with certain 3rd-party servers and very old Linux distributions:

Hi Suedkiez,
Sorry, I do not fully understand your question. Do you mean the roon server/roon core or our Internet server/internet rooter?

The type of Roon Server.

I use innuos ZEN MK3 as Roon Core/Roon Server

Then you need to take this up with Innuos support. It is their system that needs to be brought up-to-date.

The issue is most likely precisely the one that I linked further up. Therefore, as @Geoff_Coupe wrote

I updated the innuos server and it worked! Thanks so much for you great support.

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