I run Roon on a Windows 10 64-bit PC - after a couple of hours the Roon window turns white and it doesn’t respond - no errors/messages. I have to kill the process and start it again.
But the core seems to work while the app hangs - I can still play the music on a bridge based on Raspberry Pi.
I wonder if any of you had similiar issue. I’m still on trial period and that happens since the start - I haven’t done any changes in my PC setup/config.
Hi @Filip_Pisarski ---- Thank you for the report and sharing your observations with us. The feedback is very appreciated!
Moving forward, can you please provide us with the specs of the mentioned Win10 device, being sure to verify which graphics card is being utilized in the unit, and mentioned in Geoff’s post.
Indeed, the issue may be related to the graphics card. I changed power settings in Windows and I disabled switching off monitor after the inactivity and it is OK now - Roon didn’t “turn white” since then. I kept 64-bit version.
The thing is that I had a GTX card some time ago which I removed and used CPU’s Intel HD for a while and now I put some old Radeon to have 2 monitors. I believe that may lead to some problems.
Thanks for your support. Case closed.