Roon v1.7 Not seeing lyrics from file tags

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Lenovo ThinkServer TS140
Win Pro 8.1
Roon V1.7

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)


Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)


Description Of Issue

Having been very excited by ability to import lyrics from file tags I cannot see the lyrics which should have been imported.

The track files are FLAC and contain UNSYNCEDLYRICS tag with lyrics when viewed in Notepad++. The lyrics show up for the tracks when examined in mp3tag.

I have tried Settings > Library > Import Settings Metadata preferences for tags as From ROON and From File.

I have reanalyzed the album. I have deleted and reimported the album. I still see no Lyrics option in the dropdown menu for the track. Am I getting something wrong ?

Hi @Andy_Foster — Can you share an example file with us that’s having an issue?

You can zip the files and send it in a PM via a shared Dropbox link (or any other file sharing service).


Hi @Andy_Foster,

I checked with the team on this. They’ve confirmed that the correct tag that we currently support is UNSYNCED LYRICS, while UNSYNCEDLYRICS (without a space) is being used here.

If you update the tag to UNSYNCED LYRICS, this should work.

Thanks for the quick reply, sorry slow getting back. There lies a vipers nest, what is the tag standard ?

These tracks arrived without the space. The mp3tag editor expects no space and does not see the lyrics if there is a space, so I used notepad++ to put the space in. And I need to check some of the other tracks from this band as on 2 the lyrics don’t appear even with a space, so I suspect some other “corruption”.

What is the standard for USLT ? Do I need a new tag editor ? Is the any chance ROON could update the tables used when processing tags to use UNSYNCED LYRICS AND UNSYNCEDLYRICS ?

I was hoping to see if I could customise mp3tag to use the both versions but got side tracked.


Wait for my guide on using Lyric Tags with MP3Tag, it should be up in a few days.

HI Daniel many thanks for the guide ! What I did in the end was follow your lead in setting up a new LYRICS tag in mp3tag and copying the lyrics across from UNSYCNEDLYRICS already in the track. I did have a couple of tracks where just adding a space into UNSYNCED LYRICS didn’t do the job for some reason.

Does beg the question, do we really need yet another tag for lyrics ?

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