ROON volume control with PS AUDIO DAC not working

During the latest weeks ROON is no any longer able to control the volume to my PS AUDIO PerfectWave DirectStream DAC, any ideas on what can be wrong?

Hi @Juan_Cifuentes,

Is there any change in behavior if you reboot your Core + PS Audio DAC (power off, unplug, wait 30 seconds, plug in, power back on)?

Yes, that help temporarily until it stops again.
Although I normally prefer to reboot the DAC since it simpler but rebooting the core helps as well :smiley:

Hi @Juan_Cifuentes,

Thanks for confirming that the reboot helps temporarily.
What does your Device Setup page look like for this zone, can you please share a screenshot?

here it is :slight_smile:

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Hi @Juan_Cifuentes,

Thanks for that screenshot, this looks as expected to me.

When you say you are no longer able to control the volume - can you be a bit more specific as to the exact behavior? Are you able to press the + / - in the app and that changes the volume in the app but not on the device itself? Or does pressing the + / - buttons trigger no change in behavior and volume remains at 50?

Next time you run into this behavior, please note the exact local time + date + track affected and we can look into diagnostics.

Ok thanks!

I will note the info next time, currently is stable and works

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A post was split to a new topic: PS Audio Volume Control Issue