Win 10 PC with latest Roon build. Streaming from ROCK (intel NUC)
Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
1Gbps Ethernet
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
iFi Zen Dac (USB)
Description Of Issue
So I’m listening to Jon Hopkins’ Singularity and the first track plays without any issue. But when the second track starts don’t get any sound. So I check my signal path and this is what I see :
MQA DSD 64x48 ? Eh, what’s that ? So Roon thinks it’s an MQA signal, from Qobuz ? I was up sampling to DSD128 so I thought it had something to do with it but I turned it off and I get the same result. Is this a bug ?
Track 3 plays fine again, it just happens on track 2.
Can anyone try to play this track from Qobuz and tell me if the same happens to you ?
Interesting, I’m getting the same signal path indication for MQA to 88.2khz 24bit with MQA signaling but the dragonfly cobalt is showing green 44.1khz. It is playing.
Thanks all for your replies. So it is a bug but most of you still get the track to play. I just tried on my Bluesound Powernode 2i which indeed played the track. Will try again later on the iFI Zen DAC.