Windows 10. HP Spectre
Processor Intel(R) Core™ i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz 2.90 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable)
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch Pen and touch support with 10 touch points.
Network Details
Wifi to a Apple airport then Ethernet to my APM
Audio Devices
Devialet 220
Description of Issue
I have 2 zones on Roon one works perfectly and the second will not play. When I press play the button switches to the pause button the icon shows that something is playing/ working on it but the system does not play. Re the bar to show where in a song does not move and no sound.
The zone not working is labelled Devialet 220 Pro. The one which continues to work is Roon RAAT.
This has happened all of a sudden and was not into the setup area. IF i have internet issues this is the one zone that will work best.
Hi Glenn,
Not official support, but, when they arrive they will probably want to know more specifics. Filling in the details of the support post is one step. Also, you might detail the two zones, the one which does work and the one which doesn’t.
How is the Devialet Pro 220 set up under Device Setup, specifically how is the volume control configured?
Your screenshot shows the volume going to that zone at -40dB, which is a lot of attenuation. It looks like the volume control is setup via DSP (in Roon), rather than having the volume control at the device. Maybe that is because you are using Devialet AIR?
If you increase the volume to that zone via the volume icon in the bottom right corner, do you get sound?
The one that does not work is AIR, which is both known to have many issues as well go into an"lossy mode" if you stream certain content. Why are you using it? Is there something RAAT is not giving you?
If you let me know which screen shot you require to compare with Roon RAAT which is working I will do that. However the issue is not the volume, When I play a song on Air the progress bar does not move. Not sure if the following is tells anything but when my amp powers on I get a slight click through the speakers. This happens currently with both Zones.
I use the AIR for 2 reasons. First I live in the country and my internet is OK but not great. RAAT tends to cut out at times where AIR is very dependable. I have not had AIR issues since the last update from Devialet. I also use when comparing a couple of different DSP settings.
This was working perfectly up till about a week ago yesterday. I gave it a couple of days just to see it was internet issue. Again the issue appears that ROON is no playing the selection as the progress bar does not move. The pause and play buttons all work when depressed but nothing else moves.
RAAT does not use the internet at all, RAAT and AIR are both local LAN streaming.
Nothing has changed on our end for AIR. That code is in legacy support mode ever since RAAT has was released for the Expert.
Try to unplug the power from the Expert and wait a few seconds, then plug back in? My guess is that the problem is in the network or the device itself.