Roon with HQplayer

Thank you dabassgoesboomboom.
That worked (almost) however, a bit of white noise remains.

@Aeby_Thomas The below screenshot is an old forum post but I wonder if it is still relevant here. I just did a quick google about Lampi with native and DoP DSD support, for Linux especially.

Can you enable the DoP button for your NAA backend?

If that doesn’t work try to halve the sample rate to 6144000 (which is DSD128) and with DoP enabled still. And you can try without DoP too I guess.

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Does your DAC actually have a 48k oscillator for DSD ?

I couldn’t see it referred to on the web page. Generally speaking if a DAC has a 48k DSD oscillator then the advertising will mention it. If it only has a 44.1k DSD oscillator (like my Holo Audio Spring I) then you should leave the 48k DSD box unchecked. Otherwise HQP may send it 48k DSD which it will try to play at 44.1k DSD rates. That sounds slow and noisy.

Just in case it’s not clear what I’m talking about DSD is usually expressed as multiples of a base rate; DSD 128, DSD 256 etc.

HQ Player can output DSD in multiples of both 44.1k and 48k, but not all DACs can receive 48k based DSD. Nearly all DACs have two oscillators for PCM input, one for 44.1k and the other for 48k source material. In contrast, only a few have a 48k DSD oscillators, probably because most DSD recordings use 44.1k multiple rates.

If you tell HQP that your DAC can accept 48k based DSD then when upsampling 48k based PCM source material it will output 48k multiple DSD. If you don’t check that box then HQP will convert the 48k source material to 44.1k based DSD rates.


Thanks for the ideas Andybob and dabassgoesboomboom.
Let me try and report back.

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