Roon won't open [Resolved - Corrupt tidal account file]

Hi Keith, I am having the same problem. Started a few days ago, Roon hangs when I boot up. Tidal app works fine standalone. How did you find the location of this file? Recognizing it’s going to be different for me because my Roon Core is in the Apple ecosystem. Any suggestions you can make much appreciated.

This is also happening for me, Roon can no longer see my NAD C-368 DAC.

This is so frustrating.

The good news is that I can stream Tidal to the NAD directly no problem. So if I have to dump Roon I will. Far and away, the biggest benefit of Roon for me is the cross referencing and musicology deep dives.

Did some digging, found the Tidal account detail in the Roon database, blew it away, and now Roon is booting. It also finds my NAD. Praise be. :slight_smile:

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