Roonbridge: there is an error when checking for an update

Core Machine (Windows Server 2019 Operating system/Roon build number 667)

Roonbridge Machine (Windows Server 2019 Data Center / Roon biuld number 571)

Roonbridge machine always shows “There is an error when checking for an update”

Roon core and Roon remote can update for every new build but Roonbridge cannot. Already set Roonbridge exempt in the firewall setting.

Please hlep

It’s an old topic - they probably ignore it?

I think the latest RoonBridge build is 571. That doesn’t explain the error message though. It should be telling you it is the latest build.

Hello @Elio_Lam, and welcome to the community! You are on the latest version of Roonbridge, so my apologies for the error message. Does it go away if you reboot?

Thanks for clarifying build 571 is the latest RoonBridge. However the error message does not go away. It is still there every time I boot up.

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