RoonReady Sonore Sonicorbiter SE

Thanks @agillis. By wifi access point do you mean wireless bridge on a 3m+ cable? If so, I have had good results using an Airport Express for this. Also, do you recommend a specific type or brand of ethernet cable to reduce noise on this 3m+ run?

Yes, that keeps it away from the audio system. Shielded CAT 6 works great.

Thanks @agillis!

Update Notice:

Over the next 24 hours your units should display in Software Manager that a new version 2.3 is available for update. If you can’t wait you can power cycle the unit and the new vision should appear right away. This update is not reversible.

New to version 2.3:

  1. We have updated to the latest version of Logitech Media Server (LMS) running on the unit.

  2. SqueezeLite now supports native DSD. Both .DFF and .DSF are supported up to DSD256. This update also supports native DSD to the Amanero USB interface (beta feature) found on DIY DACs and on some Lampizator DACs. From Settings / SqueezeLite there is a new DSD dropdown menu where you can select: None, DoP, Native DSD, and Native DSD (Amanero). In order to stream native DSD you will need a version of LMS that also supports native DSD. LMS on the sonicTransporter, SonicOrbiter SE, or microRendu supports native DSD streaming to SqueezeLite. For your convenience we will start to offer a combo deal (SonicOrbiter SE / sonicTransporter / iFi) right on the SonicOrbiter SE product page.

  3. RoonReady has been upgraded to the latest per a request Roon Labs. Also, we have improved the post update process based on feedback from customers.

  4. The Linux Kernel for the unit has been updated to add support for additional devices that support native DSD. The complete list of supported devices is found here: Sonicorbiter - Native DSD support

Please follow this update procedure if you have not done so already:

  1. Go to Apps and select Software Manager
  2. Now select Update
  3. Wait for “Back to main menu” to appear at the bottom of the screen and ignore any Complete notices. Failure to allow this step to complete could brick your unit. Do not attempt this update on an unstable network. Sonore is not responsible if you brick your unit, but we can help you recover from it.
  4. Reboot your unit.
  5. Optional - When the unit boots up if you are having issues go to Settings and from the configuration page look things over and press Save.


I updated my Transport and 2 microRendu’s. Update of the Transport and 1 uRendu worked as described. The other never showed up on the network again after the reboot. However, a hard power restart solved the problem and all are functioning fine with Roon now.

Nice work!

8 posts were split to a new topic: Sonicorbiter end-of-life?

FYI If you update your Sonicorbiter SE running 2.3 there is an update pending for RoonReady.

SONORE computer audio - ultraRendu | microRendu | Sonicorbiter SE

I just tried to update mine. It updated and installed some files, all seemed normal. But when done (and after two reboots), it still shows Ver 2.3. Advise please. Thanks.
EDIT: shows Roon Ready Version: 1.1.21

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Version 2.3 is the latest version for the Sonicorbiter SE.

Roon Ready 1.1.21 is the latest version of Roon Ready. Sounds like your unit has the latest of everything.