Hi @ben, during the last three days I was unfortunately cut off from Internet and suffered intermittent blackouts. These problems seem to have been addressed, and since yesterday afternoon all is back to normal again…
So I unset the previous environment variable DOTNET_GCRetainVM
and set the new suggestion DOTNET_gcServer=0
, rebooted and started to ‘stress’ Roon by playing back, adding new Qobuz favorites to my library and removing Tidal favorites.
I have been running now for 18 hours, and these are my observations so far:
- After startup, the system stabilizes initially with RES memory size 7200M.
- After playing music for some minutes and doing nothing else, memory usage drops to about 5800M.
- After adding/deleting a few albums some time later, the Tidal/Qobuz storage library update process is triggered, RES memory size goes up.
During this process, two aspects were changed: First, the reported load grew up to and slightly over 2.0, when before it stayed around or slightly above 1.0. But, and quite unexpectedly, user interaction on my two remotes (Android Phone and iMac) stayed seemingly unaffected. Noticed some little resistance with scrolling, but page loads and interaction with buttons (start/stop play etc.) felt snappy.
- I listened to music until late at night, then the system stayed idle and performed the daily database backup an 3 AM. Here the screenshot first thing this morning; RES memory size has dropped again:
- As it is release Friday, I took advantage and added some more new albums (Qobuz). The Qobuz storage library update process was triggered again and you can see how load is around 2.0. RES memory during this process goes up:
- The storage update process ran very fast and at the end the reported RES memory size was about 8400M. Now, about three hours later and after having added some more albums, the memory size stays the same.
So, my first impression with this recent change is positive. I don’t observe any short-term memory usage increases other than during the storage library updates. Even so, the user interface interaction this time stayed snappy. If the system keeps performing like this even after several days of runtime, I’d say all is well!
I hope my Internet access and power stay online during the next days, so I can keep testing the performance and memory usage during the following days. I’ll report back after the weekend.