Hello DDPS, option 1 have tried that again, makes no difference. Uninstalling, did that 2 days again, same results. I can do that again and share the notes. I had to install it manually. I had to copy RoonServer_linuxx64.tar.bz2 to my NAS otherwise the install would stop.
Roonserver Install (did not do it with linux code, copying the bz2 in the right directory worked).
The first time I installed the package, I didn’t had that isue, but that was a few months ago. I stopped then because I had the same problem as now.
Hello Bernd, Norton is running on the phone. As a test I used a new tablet without any antivirus or firewall software. Same result, can connect (wifi) to my pc (wifi or LAN) that has the roonserver software but not to the server on the NAS. Both servers show green with connect next to it.
Greetings, Sjirk