RoonServer times out waiting for update to version 1470 in the UK (ref#F89C7P)

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Describe the issue

Can’t update server to 1470, clients fine, but server times out waiting for download to start. In UK, trying for last 12 hours.

Describe your network setup

Gigabit fibre, SOHO equipment.

Did you try and restart your Roon Server?

Yes, tried that first.

You can try and download the update manually? Install like the first time you installed Roon? This should work too if applicable to your situation.

Thanks, basically reinstall RoonOS? I haven’t yet, was keeping that as last resort! Where will I end up if that hangs too, lol? Will keep trying a while longer…

It is not that you revealed details about your installation (at all). So no, I wouldn’t hit the button to reinstall the OS in the Web UI if a simple selfupdate of Roon Server already fails. The question is why? If Roon Labs had stopped distributing the update in the meantime, a resatart should clear things for what ever your Roon Server is (but you wrote it doesn’t, maybe try again?). Same goes for most other temporary issues tat might make Roon OS hang. Which then leaves us with an external network related problem. See also:

According to above document it seems Roon Labs proposes you try to reinstall the OS of your Server.

Hi @Hifipilot ,

According to your account diagnositcs it looks like you are on build 1470. Did the OS reinstall work, or how did you manage to solve the issue?

I powered down the server (NUC) for about 30 mins, and restarted. Update went fine after that.

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