rooNuimo – best Roon controller ever

Thank you for your support.

Today I had finally time to set up my nuimo in combination with a RPi3B+.
I assembled and tested all in my office room and got it working using Ethernet connection.
Than I moved everything into the living room. I still can see the nuimo in the extension manager but I do not get the Bluetooth connection between the RPi3 and nuimo.
Any hint much appreciated.

**EDIT:**I renamed the RPi in my network, therefore is restarted somehow in Roon and now it is working. But wow is the Bluetooth of the RPi3B+ weak. 3 meters away and connection is lost. Does anybody has a recommendation (available in Germany) for an extra strong Bluetooth dongle, I would like to use nuimo in three different rooms.


Please take a lokat the quick installation guide here: rooExtend - Google Drive

Bluetooth is often an issue if strong 2.4GHz WiFi is around. This was reported especially in crowded suburban areas.

In the Compatibility Chart you find the name of two BT USB sticks that I tested.
An other hint is to get a USB extension cable and connect it to the Pi on one side and with the BT-USB-Stick on the other side. With this you can bring the BT-USB-Stick closer to the Nuimo.

Best DrCWO

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I have bought the logilink bluetooth adapter and used an USB extension to bring the adapter outside the cupboard.
How can I check that the adapter is working as I have no improvement with the bluetooth range?
Do I have to make any adjustments or is it usually automatically used?
3m and it’s gone. Usually I can use bluetooth more or less throughout my apartment.

It took a while but now it is working, I can see a green LED flashing on the logilink. Works in the living room and the office but unfortunately still not strong enough for the bed room. :frowning:

Does anybody know if there are something like a bluetooth range extender?

Hi @Daiyama,
would you please tell uns the type of LogiLink you are using? mine has no flashing light :thinking:
I like to add it to my list of recommended BT-Sticks.
Best DrCWO

It is a LogiLink BT0037 as you recommended.
I have just read that it is a class 1 bluetooth transmitter, meaning 100m range outside. Hm…
It is not even able to do 7m around the corner. But I know the „corner“ is tough as it is the elevator shaft.

The flashing light is hard to see you need an USB extension to see it on the backside. If you plug it in to computer or so you wont‘t see it.

Edit: I can try to move the RPi to the bedroom, maybe this is a better place. :thinking: I will test this.

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UPDATE: My issue turned out to be caused by a faulty ethernet cable. I replaced it and all is well now. Everything works great!

As I understand it, bluetooth class 1 is required at both ends of the connection to communicate over 100m. The Nuimo is likely a class 2 device, so there’s no way you’re getting 100m. Instead, the 7m sounds about right for class 2 (approx. 10 meters in optimal conditions).


I snagged a few UB400 TP-Link units then I realised most all of my rooextends are running on RPi ZeroW or W2 units…now I need an external cable to connect it…sigh or will perhaps justify a RPi 3B for some of the units that struggle a little.

If you get up to 7m operating range, you can be satisfied. The Nuimo can’t do more. I have to accecpt 5m in my environment. :expressionless:

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Can I run one nuimo with more than one RPi?
I guess than I need a second lincence, right?

One Nuimo per pi as the BT can only pair to one device at a time, and yes one lic per Nuimo too


That would be ok,
One RPi in the living room/ office area and one RPi for the bed room.
Due to distance nuimo will always see only one RPi. :wink:
So when I register this second RPi in the extension manager can I use the same licence key?

Question: Can I move nuimo from one room to another and nuimo will automatically connect to the respective RPi within range?

No, you will need two keys OR you’ll have to transfer a single key between the Pis every time, well, moving the Pi is easier.

There’s a setting that looks after this, you can tie a Pi controller to a single Numio or allow it to pair any. Pair any is the default. The setting is the very last one of the “Extended settings”,

Good question and the answer is:
I did not make it for roaming and so never tested. But it is an interesting use case :clap:

If you select in the extended settings of both rooNuimo extensions “ID of Nuimo to pair with” the entry “Any” rooNuimo looks for any Nuimo to pair with. So if you leave the living room the connection will be dropped there and entering the office it should connect to the Raspberry in this room.

You can enforce the dropping of the connection by switching off the Nuimo before you leave the living room and turn it on again in the office. This might work, you have to try.

Just get a license for your second Pi.
If you report your finings here I offer to refund the second license if won’t work :grinning::+1:

Best DrCWO

Ok, licence is not tied to nuimo, it is connected to the RPi, that I “feared”.
So that would be a no go for me, I “have to” stop at some point with respect to costs. :wink:
(a second RPi I already have)

Moving the RPi could also be an option which I could explore, as in the bed room I do not need it very often. So I need to check how easy I could do this.

Thanks for the offer but see my answer above.

Maybe a more differentiated licencing model for a roaming option would be good. :slight_smile:

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I am already running Roodial with a raspberry pi since last autumn. I have now ordered the Nuimo (from DR CWO at sellcodes) to control the main zone. I assume i need a second (Nuimo) license and a raspberrypi4 as well. How far away can the Nuimo be from the Pi and i assume the pi is happier with a network connection?

  • Second Pi and second license.
  • 3-4m are save without additional BT stick.
  • Pi for rooNuimo is happier with wired Ethernet.

Yes, you’ll need a RooNumio license: Nuimo: Uncompromising Control For Roon.

You’ll need a Raspberry Pi but 4s (and Pis in general) are getting hard to come by. I’m happily using Pi Zero 2 Ws to do the job.

I’ve had no issues over WiFi with the Pi Zero 2 Ws at all but YMMV…