rooUPnP: Finally a Roon Extension for UPnP Streamers

Hi Carl-Werner

(We probably worked in the same company, a large company, doing all kins of electric equipment)

A RasPi will never be part of my HiFi-set. Running T+A, Clearaudio, Piega devices there isno room for a RasPi.
Roon is running as I explained on a I5-Processor, this is for ROON and nothing else. This box ist connected to a 8-bay NAS which is mirrored permanently to a second NAS. During nigth there is a backup running to backup everything to a third NAS-box, having a different amount of versions. The really important files are backiped into a secure-cloud-system.

@DrCWO, what software packages are needed for your extension? Which OS? Do I need to run the Roon Server locally?

I must say your extension is very interesting.

You need a Raspberry Pi and my SD-Card image. All other things untouched.
Please go to and take a look at my Videos.


Thanks for the response! I think you are already aware that the Linn Klimax streamerā€™s implementation of UPnP is not standard. The very reason that I gave up on Audirvana is that its UPnP is not compatible to my Linn streamer.

That being said, I think Iā€™ll play around with your extension.

Out of pure interest: Is there a technical reason?

You wonā€™t get lucky. MP3 320Kbit will work.

It uses OpenHome which is a variant of UPnP. You might be able to potentially use this in conjunction with BubbleUPnP which can create OpenHome renderer from any standard UPnP renderer. But itā€™s a funny old fish UPnP itā€™s why I ditched it years ago as there just is no set standard for features across units.

Thanks @Simon_Arnold3. I know all these and I do not like BubbleUPnP.

I am a sw dev myself, doing networking/socket programming for a firm doing realtime stuffs. I am just too busy to have a pet project for myself, so thatā€™s why I look for any cool off-the-shelf package, and this one looks very interesting to me.

Read that as networking/Rocket programming -wow!!
Then reread itā€¦:pleading_face:

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Linn Streamers are supported out-of-the-box by Roon. I dont quite understand the problemā€¦

Technical reason?

I am running

  • 6 Personal-computer
  • 3 Fileserver (NAS)
  • 3 Mobil-phones
  • 4 Tabletts

Personal-computer are all running Windows 10-64 PRO
File-Server are QNAP-Boxes
Smartphones are Iphones
Tablett are Ipad

It is quite easy to da the administration of all theses devices if you have the same software running on the boxes. Every new sort of systems makes more difficult. Even the fact, that the switches are not identical may cause problems (it did not until now, but it may ancore)

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Here is the link to the preliminary list of devices that were tested by forum members. I encourage you to give feedback regarding other devices!
I will update this list with new test results as they arrive.

The comments below that are against Naim Muso QB should be against the Panasonic SC-ALL05 not the Muso

ā€œThey will go to 24/192000 but I find reliability better at a lower rate and it doesnā€™t really matter as these are not high quality unitsā€

It works perfectly with an Hegel H590 (192, 24 Flac, default) and a Primare SC15 (same settings).

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Thanks again @DrCWO, i think i would wait until your extension is fully compatible with the linn klimax dsm/2.

I have tried out rooUPnP into Naim NAC272 and find it to work well.
It runs at 192,000 and 24 Bit PCM.

Thanks for pointing out FLAC setting above as I was getting static through system which had previously been setup for LMS2UPnP.

The setup is very easy and much more straightforward than LMS2UPnP set up because there is no need to get hands dirty using terminal editor etc. It is so easy and can be recommended to less computer literate users who can assemble a Raspberry Pi.

Issues I found are the same as @Trickydickie ie issues with discovery when various endpoints disappear and sometimes reappear, the whole extension disappearing then reappearing on the extension page.
Also playback of 192k files disrupting the queue which is believed to be a Naim issue.

I would have tried Sonos Port, AMP and speakers but I have 12 appearing as rooUPnP in the Squeezebox listing is devices, all with identical description so I cannot identify which is which. It would be useful if either the name could be pulled through from the extension where they are identified by name or preferably (in my case) being able to disable the unwanted items in the extension.

Trust this feedback helps.


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Disabling is on my list, fitting the displayed names to the names visible in Roon also but Iā€™m not sure if this is possibleā€¦


I am having a problem playing Roon radio.
I had an issue with LMS2UPNP before failing with tracks following on from 192k and downsampled everything to 96k as a work round. All else played fine including Roon radio.

Using rooUPnP I encountered same issue as reported above. I have downsampled in both device settings and extension setup to 96k but cannot get Roon radio to work. It comes to end of seed track and stops having selected next track to play.

Any suggestions?


Same issue here on my NDS, when a track changes resolution the music stops.

Iā€™ve tried the opposite, up-sampling and that doesnā€™t resolve the issue either.

Iā€™ve noticed that if you play a single album when the album has completed playing the little animation in Roon still shows that the room is playing music. It would appear that the end of the track isnā€™t quite being recognised properly as Roon doesnā€™t return to ā€˜Nothing Playingā€™ like it does with other devices and also my other implementation of UNPBridge.

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Roon did not stop sending data after a track ends but creates an endless continuous stream as far as the format did not change. I already have an idea how to solve that but this will take some time. I am aware of what happens behind the scenes here and I am full of hope I can solve it.
This also will include sending matadata so if you have a device with a display information and artwork of the played back track will be shown here.
Probably after next weekend I will provide a first update where the case with disappearing and reappearing devices will be fixed. This means devices offered as zones will be visible in the settings dialog.
So stay tunedā€¦