rooUPnP: Finally a Roon Extension for UPnP Streamers

Where should I look to select PCM or Flac.
No devices are shown in rooUPnP settings, still searching …

Please advise


Still searching after 18 hrs

Images show Roon settings - extensions & Roon settings - audio for info.

Hope this helps


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Hey Charlie,
Thank you so much, you are my hero :+1:
The last picture you sent is very enlightening for me. After the colon I expect a UUID in the format of a UUID like this: 550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000. Instead I see is RINCON_… which is not a regular UUID! What kind of devices did you use that send such a crazy UUID that did not match the standard? I never saw that before but now I learned I should be able to handle such crazy UUIDs :rofl:

Very good input Charlie, thank’s for that.

With this I provided v1.3.2 that should fix the discovery issues.

Sorry for the trouble.

Hi DrCWO, Is there any change a can get a refund since I will not be using Roon and the extension?
Thanks, Frank

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Hi! I can confirm that Naim Muso 1st gen is working beautifully using RPi 3A and ethernet dongle. SMSL DP3 however is still not visible on audio select on Roon.

Not showing up at Settings->Audio is no good start. A read a bit in Google and saw that others also encounter issues with his device. How do you normally use it? Can you use it with Mconnect from an iPhone or iPad?

Is it possible to use the extension with DLNA endpoints?

I am using this „device“:


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It supports UPnP/DLNA, so you should give it a try. It’s not yet in my compatibility list. So try report and get a discount code from me :wink:


That sound‘s good… but is there any trial period before I need to buy it?

Thx and greetings


this extension is currently still for free. Please use this license code for testing:

Some day i will invalidate this code if the extensions seams to be stable enough to charge you. But until then, just try and report.

I experimented with your software this week but the software download is still 1.0.2.
The first time I booted up my RPi I could not get it to work, but trying again today I can see the extension.
I assume I should power down my MacMini, which is running LMS2uPnP, before running my RPi. Is this correct?

Yes it is, otherwise you get things mixed up. V1.0.2 is correct, currently the latest version.
Can you report on working devices for my compatibility list?

Of course: Naim NDS, 4xNaim Unitiqutes, Sony Bravia TV.

Thanks for the confirmation.
I will power down the MacMini later and test things out.

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Hi Dr Oehlrich,
It appears the discount code has expired - have I missed the testing boat?
Many thanks

Hi Paul,
please use this 69962830-E872-4031-BE07-1FE12D62818F license code to make it run. We are still in the evaluation process so i’ts still for free.

Hi Dr Oehlrich,
I’m obviously being very stupid but I’m unable to get that code to work in the sellcodes payment page. When I click Apply I get an error 'this code is not valid"

The code quoted is inserted into the Roon extension as licence number


For the evaluation you don’t need sellcodes.

  • Download the SD-Card image
  • Copy it to the SD-Card
  • Enter the Card in an Pi4
  • Connect Pi4 with wired Ethernet
  • Power the Pi4
  • Wait two Minutes
  • Open Roon
  • Goto Settings->Extension within Roon
  • Enable the rooUPnP Extension
  • Press the Settings button of the rooUPnP extension
  • Enter the given license Key in the according field
  • Have fun
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@DrCWO Many thanks for the software. Installation was straightforward and the extension seems to be working OK so far on my Naim Unitiquite 2. The only problem is that Roon Radio does not work as described by other users above.