Ropieee - Enable wifi

That’s … weird. Can you still send me feedback?

I sent you a second feedback yesterday. I “etched” a new image just now and will try it again.

Logs have been sent to RoPieee HQ with unique identifier 015b31473cd804c0

This is before enabling Wi-Fi.

Logs have been sent to RoPieee HQ with unique identifier e837c9e995bcc15a

This is after eabling Wi-Fi. It is working now.

Just purchased my first Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and installed RoPieee all working brilliantly wired but cant get anything when enabling wireless

Any tips greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the quick reply, checking on my BT home hub manager it disappears from the ethernet section and is not in the wireless list of connected devices.


logs sent

I’m seeing the same behavior on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+. I have 3 other devices running a different Pi model with no issues. The B+ locks up when trying to enable wifi with the “Start interface and scan for networks…” message. SSH into the box and running iwlist wlan0 scan reports “wlan0 Interface doesn’t support scanning : Network is down”

The logs show a authentication failure. Check your WPA passphrase, i know from experience that an error is easily made :wink:

I’ve searched the forum to see if I could find an answer to this, but have been unable to. If there is one somewhere, my apologies.

I’m using a Pi3 with the latest version of Ropieee. Flashed the card last night and the whole process went flawlessly. Using it for a WiFi-enabled headphone endpoint with Roon.

I have set MAC address reservation using Unifi UMD Pro to x.x.x.135. However, the device continues to show in the Unifi client listing as x.x.x.7 despite multiple reboots. I can address the web interface via x.x.x.7. I checked the network settings. Wired (pre-WiFi setup) was set to DHCP and saw .135. Although in the web interface, it shows as .7 and there doesn’t appear to be a way to manually change that.

I’m certain I’m missing something. Any help would be welcome. Thank you in advance.

Where is the dhcp server running? The Unifi UDM Pro is a managed switch, usually the dhcp server runs on router …

Thanks for responding. UDM Pro is an integrated router with some switching ports and other abilities. The Pi is seeing DNS and getting an IP address from the available DHCP range. No issues seeing it, pinging it, or addressing it via the web browser.

My issue is that I would like it to be getting the IP that I’ve reserved for it and set using UDM Pro (like every other device on my network with the exception of “guest” devices that get their IPs from the 2-50 range I’ve set aside for DHCP). To be clear, every device on the network uses DHCP because unlike other routers that allow input of MAC addresses and reserved static IPs, the UDM Pro allows you to see the device as a client, and within the configuration, allows you to flip a switch to “Use a Fixed IP Address”. Everything else is handled by the UDM Pro.

I’ve done that (as I have for all other devices), but the Pi doesn’t seem to be responding to it, despite many reboot attempts.

Understood … even if my router allows client id based ip reservation I’ve never used it, MAC address reservation seems to me easier …
sorry can’t help

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Apologies if this is asking the obvious but are you sure that the MAC address is correct? The wired and wireless adapters will, I think, have different MAC addresses.