Ropieee methods of volume control

Hi Harry @spockfish I am new to RoPieee and have recently set up a Pi4 with RoPieeeXL, a DigiAmp+ , Raspberry Pi 7" Touch Screen and all works as expected.
I actually missed the presence of the screen based volume control as the contrast seems limited at least on my screen.
As I am planning on using this as an endpoint in my kitchen I wondered about using a physical volume control …
Whilst I understand the Pi/DigiAmp+ can be configured to use a rotary encoder this looks to require additional programming and as far as I can see there is no way to use a rotary encoder with RoPieee natively for volume control?

Is my assessment correct or have I missed something?

Many thanks for any advice.

With any Roon Bridge / Roon Ready endpoint (like Ropieee) you can control volume via Roon’s control mechanism.

For a physical dial you should probably take a look at @DrCWO extensions rooExtend - Home

I’m not a user - but there seem to be a lot of fans of RooDial and RooNumio.

You’d need to source the dial hardware and another Raspberry Pi to run RooExtend, as well as paying the license fee.

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Interesting idea @GregD
I already have rooExtend and Play on another Pi so just another license. I was kind of hoping to make it all quite old school. I even have an approach for preset buttons for radio via Roon using @igrnt ’s api extension.

Anyway I’ll certainly take a close look at your suggestion thank you.


The latest release of rooNuimo now supports four radio stations that can be assigned to the gestures of the Nuimo touch surface.

But you need a Nuimo and they are quite rare these days…

Best DrCWO

I didn’t realise that - unfortunately Numio’s seem to be unavailable anywhere - even on the usual auction site…
I am thinking about a Surface Dial for my main system at some point.

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until 2020. I use SB Transporter MK1 as a main audio source, and after then I switch to Roon (this is other Class regarding to SW side).

I had only one Thing what I would like to get back from my Transporter, the motorized encoder.

So I starts to find any HW implementation for navigation, so I find your jog, what is a basic solution.

So i find the below project:

What did you think, that should be happen to implement that DIY control solution for Roon?

I’m a big DIY-er, with CNC Mill, Router also Lathe and 3D printers.
So my main Goal, to build a portable Roon control in interface with an integrated physical encoder, what reacting to contents.

Some examples:

  • Detents each Track(s) dinamically
  • Break motor on the Starts and Ends of list or volume bar
  • Show informations on display (eg. Tracklist browse, Playing times, volume control

If you like to do excessive DIY this is the project for you.

If you would be happy with building a Raspberry Pi by yourself, then my Roon Extensions for various wireless control devices might be an alternative for you.

I offer software for: Microsoft Surface Dial, Xencelab Quick Keys, 3dConnextion SpaceMouse Wireless or Apple Watch. Maybe this might be an option for you :blush:

Best DrCWO

I have OSMC Remote controler but changing volume works only with Volume DSP settings. But this settings change quality of sounds. It’s any option to change volume of music by remote controler with roon without change quality of sound? Maybe it’s any option to change volume of sound with amplifier device by remote controler for OSMC?

That’s not (entirely) correct. Yes, you have DSP volume, but no this is not because of using the OSMC remote control. Hardware volume or software volume depends on your endpoint: the remote controller software just forwards the volume commands to Roon. So if your endpoints supports hardware volume Roon will use that, and thus volume control via OSMC as well.

And on the subject of software volume: yeah, 10 years ago software volume control was definitely inferior to a pure hardware solution. However, that has changed dramatically over the years. I would say that Roon is doing a pretty decent job with their software volume implementation, and I think you need a rather ‘sophisticated’ setup to be able to make a proper distinction between software and hardware.


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Have a look at our respected member @DrCWO‘s post with links to his measurements to put your anxiety to rest.


@spockfish @Marin_Weigel Thank You for complete information. I will sleep well :slight_smile: Regards!

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