Sample rate conversion is disabled but not really

Roon Core Machine

Roon Core 1.8 is running on a MacBook Pro i7 64gb RAM

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Network is based on Ubiquiti Unifi switches and routers

Connected Audio Devices

iPhone + Audeze iSINE10 with the Lightning DAC

Number of Tracks in Library

2.000 tracks

Description of Issue

I’m trying to get a lossless signal to my Audize via iPhone which I know it’s possible but for some reason Roon insists on upsampling my 44.1kHz FLAC to 48kHz even with sample rate conversion disabled.

Am I doing something wrong?

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

How are you connecting the isine10 to your iphone?

I’m connecting it with the Audeze CIPHER cable.

I suspect the lightning chip in the cipher cable is the culprit, which resamples everything to 24bit / 48kHz.

Yes, I have exactly the same issue.

It does still sound great though so I gave up stressing about it.


Understood, thank you both!

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