Schiit Yggdrasil problem when using exclusive mode

Reports of the latest feature update of Windows 10 fixing it, not Roon.

hmmm while I believe I have the newest update on both computer, iā€™ll go back home and check it out.

1803 feature update that was released on Apr 30th. It wouldnā€™t auto update and would require a force update at least until Microsoft deems otherwise.

I no longer have a windows machine hooked up to my DAC so I canā€™t confirm, just read a report on these forums someplace of someone saying it was now fixed.

interesting, thanks for the info Doc, iā€™ll check it out once I got back home.

yaeh, updated windows including the recent 1803 patch.

Still doesnā€™t work with event mode on or off Orzā€¦

waiting on Schiit email as well, hopefully someone can figure it out on their end I guess.

If your shelf is full, maybe you can start a lending program like does for expensive camera gear! Rent a DAC for a week for $100!! (of course a big difference is that people renting camera lenses often are doing so to MAKE money on a paying gig, but stillā€¦!)