Search did not find a lot of Tidal and Qobuz albums/artists

Roon Core Machine

1.8, Build 884

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Fitzbox with Ethernet

Connected Audio Devices

Auralic Altair

Number of Tracks in Library

Nearly 24.000

Reproduction steps

If I search for a album, e.g. Hair, new realeases or similar it only search in my own titles and not in Tidal or Qobuz (i have both accounts to test, cause I thought it belongs to one of the services).
If i go directly to Tidal or Qobuz, i found all of the albums.
Agfter that, sometimes roon found this albums, sometimes after storing it in a personal list.
This is very frustriting.
What can i do?

An example here is Dawn FM from the Weeknd. I can stream direct via Qobuz, but not using ROON?

Why are you posting in the beta section? There is no current beta active, this all got released. Moved thread to support section

It’s there as I just found Dawn FM under discography but It doesn’t find it whilst searching. @support best look into this.

I do not see it in ROON discography either. I even tried making a playlist in Qobuz, but trying to access it via ROON didn’t work either, while other playlists do work.
Seems like Qobuz is blocking API access for these releases?

Saw another thread with similar issues. Seems some just need some days to synch with ROON. Just a matter of days then. It is what it is.

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Same issue… Could not find ABBA or Gordon Lightfoot when searching in Roon as I don’t have either in my library… When I go to Tidal and Qobuz apps they have full catalog of ABBA and Gordon Lightfoot… My work around which is cumbersome is to add a single album by ABBA and Gordon Lightfoot to Tidal Library in Tidal app (can do same in Qobuz and will also work)… Then reboot Roon and it shows up… Then when search in Roon all titles for both artists show up… Cumbersome…

Hey @andrew_winton,

It works perfectly on our end. Would you be able to give it another try today?

I must be doing something wrong… Here is Tom Jones… Nothing in my catalog so when i search in Roon get nothing… When i search in Tidal get full list… Screen shots attached…

Hey @andrew_winton,

Thanks for following up.

Would you please:

  • log out of TIDAL in Roon
  • exit out of Roon
  • find the Cache folder and move it to a different location (RoonServer/Cache in the Roon database)
  • reboot your Core
  • launch Roon and log back into TIDAL in Roon

Any change? :nerd_face:

Same result… Here is search on Tom Jones w/ screen shot attached.

Hey @andrew_winton,

We appreciate you trying!

Could you please:

  • back-up Roon
  • navigate to the Roon database again
  • find the folder that says “Roon”
  • rename the folder “Roon_old”
  • reinstall the Roon software from our downloads page to generate a new “Roon” folder
  • restore the backup

Thanks a lot :pray:

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That worked! Thanks!!!

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