Search does not work when Qobuz integration is enabled

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Synology 1817+ running Roon Core. Database on an external SSD connected via USB

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Roon Core connected to Google WiFi Pod via Ethernet. Roon endpoints connected to Google WiFi mesh wirelessly.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/ect.)

Devialet Expert Pro 140 connected via WiFi
2 Bluesound Pulse FLex connected via WiFi

Description Of Issue

I have a Qobuz account integrated into Roon. So far it’s been working well and flawlessly, even if it slows down operations like search etc. a little. Since the weekend, the search function in Roon is broken completely for me as long as Qobuz is enabled. After starting a search, the Roon logo comes up and just sits there forever with no results showing up at all. Once I disable Qobuz in Roon, search of my local library works perfectly and is quite snappy. Please advise what to do to get search across internal library and Qobuz working again.

Hi @Thorsten_Vieth,

First, I noticed that the Synology you’re using for your Roon Core falls short of our recommended specs.

Because this device uses an Intel Atom you may experience performance issues.

Can you confirm how many tracks are in your local library and Qobuz library?

I’d like to propose a test here that should give us some great data — If you have another machine that you can temporarily use as your Core (preferably one that meets our recommendations), does this same issue occur? Knowing whether this occurs with any Core on the network or if it’s limited to just the Synology Core will be a great data point in our troubleshooting.


Hi Dylan,

thanks for your feedback. Well, that thing is that I’ve been using the Synology for a long time already as my core machine, and search worked well until just a few days ago. Even if theoretically the Synology is underpowered, it has worked just fine for quite some time even with my relatively large library.

Local library is around 140k tracks.
Qobuz library is only about 40 albums or so. Just started with that.

I don’t have an easy way to have a temporary other machine as a core, but since the Synology has been running flawlessly before Qobuz integration, and also flawlessly after adding the Qobuz account initially, I truly don’t think it’s a hardware performance limitation.

Is there anything else I could test?

Hi @Thorsten_Vieth,

A good place to start it to reboot your Core machine and all of your networking hardware and see if that yields any changes. Additionally, some have found that using Google DNS has helped with streaming service performance.

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